• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Golders Green Dental Care

192 Golders Green Road, London, NW11 9AL (020) 8455 8202

Provided and run by:
Golders Green Dental Care

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

19 July 2013

During a routine inspection

Patients told us they were very happy with the service. They liked the reception staff and the way the dentists explained what they were going to do. One patient said, 'they are happy staff, nice and professional.' A second patient told us, 'I think it's brilliant.' Referring to one of the dentists a patient told us they were, 'very helpful and holistic in their approach', and another patient said, 'they are insightful and explain the health issues.'

The surgery had been recently refurbished. We saw that there was a clean, welcoming and comfortable waiting area and modern treatment rooms. There was a welcoming atmosphere and we saw patients being greeted warmly when they arrived. We saw that there were efficient administrative systems and that the required records and audits were being maintained. Policies and procedures were being reviewed and updated regularly.

All the patients we spoke with said they were given options about treatment and had signed treatment forms. All said they were treated respectfully. We observed friendly interactions between patients and the dentists.

We saw that records about patients and their treatment were clear and well ordered and we saw that relevant infection control checks had been made and recorded. We saw that staff were supported to take up training and that there had been a series of internal staff training events. The quality of the service was being monitored via a range of clinical audits and quality checks. Patients had been asked for their views via a survey and the report about this was on display in the waiting area.