Archived: Moorecare Home Care Services

Caradon Enterprise Centre, 1 Holman Road, Liskeard Business Park, Liskeard, Cornwall, PL14 3UT (01579) 324114

Provided and run by:
Mrs Dorothy Moore & Mrs Leanne Jarrett

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

30 July 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five people and/ or their representatives who received a service from Moorecare, all the comments were very positive about the care they received. One person told us, 'they even go beyond what is expected of them', and we are 'very happy with the carers'. None of the people we spoke with had any concerns.

We found when people received care and support they were asked for their consent, and the staff acted in accordance with their wishes.

Care plans were sufficiently detailed to direct and inform staff as to how care and support was to be provided to people in their own homes.

Moorecare had effective recruitment procedures in place to ensure appropriate pre-employment checks were made before staff commenced employment.

We saw the provider had a system to assess and monitor the quality of the service they provided, and gathered the views of the people that received the service.

There was an effective complaints process in place.

1 June 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

We did not contact people who used the service because the concerns that had been raised with us concerned administrative procedures. We gathered evidence of peoples experiences of the service by reviewing the complaints log and talking with the local adult social care department. We found that people were happy with the service provided and any complaints had been of a minor nature and had been dealt with effectively.

12 April and 13 June 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

People we spoke with said that they can discuss any issues with the provider and that they are consulted if any changes to the care and support received are to take place.

We were told that the agency always ask if it is ok for a new member of care staff to 'shadow' an experienced member during their visit.

People we spoke with (and their relatives) said that the staff have a 'wonderful approach', 'are very supportive' and are 'very friendly'.

They told us that they have the same small group of staff to visit and enjoy getting to know them. We were also told that if a carer is going to be late they or the 'office' phone to let them know and this is greatly appreciated.

People told us that they felt well cared for and supported. We were told that all of the staff are 'professional' and 'have the right attitude' and are 'well trained'.

They told us that they are asked before new staff accompany more experienced staff as part of their induction and if they do not wish to have a new member of staff during that time then this is respected.

People told us that the staff look at the care plans each time they visit to sign to say they have been and to see if any changes have been detailed. We were told that the care plans are updated regularly by the care workers and the provider.

Records seen had verbal communications about care and support needs detailed in them. This had been done on the same day as the verbal message was received.

We saw that records kept in peoples own homes are available for care staff to write in each time they visit and we were told, for the people using the service, who can look at them or add to them at anytime.