Archived: Old Rectory

Old Rectory, 1 Mill Lane, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP6 0NJ (01473) 322600

Provided and run by:
Cephas Care Limited

All Inspections

22 May 2013

During a routine inspection

We found that people had assessment of their care needs and support was provided according to their preferences and health and welfare needs. We found that people were asked for their consent before care and treatment was provided. We spoke with three people living at the service who all told us they were well cared for. People said that they enjoyed the activities they attended or were arranged for them. There were clear arrangements for gaining the views of people about their care and treatment and for dealing with complaints.

There were appropriate arrangements for management of medicines. We found that all relevant checks were undertaken before staff began work at the service.

23 November 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us that they liked living at The Old Rectory and that staff were kind to them. One person said "The staff are all nice and the food is very nice." We saw that care was planned and delivered according to people's assessed needs. People had access to appropriate activities and were supported to go out to community activities.

We found that staff were trained appropriately to provide safe care. The provider had effective systems to monitor the quality of the service.