Archived: Bronswick House

16-18 Chesterfield Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 2PP (01253) 295669

Provided and run by:
Mrs Savitree Seedheeyan

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

1 May 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke individually with the provider, manager, staff and people receiving care at the home. We asked people to tell us about their experiences of living at Bronswick House. We reviewed care records, policies and procedures, audits and risk assessment documentation.

Following the last inspection, two areas of improvement were noted. These related to poor upkeep and damp found in the home and ineffective quality monitoring systems. During our inspection we noted that the home had addressed these issues.

We were told that Bronswick House continues to improve upon standards of care. One member of staff told us, 'It's getting better here. The new manager is finding her feet, but she's good'.

Although care planning needed further development, we were told that this was being looked at. We observed care being provided in a respectful manner. One person told us, 'Staff talk to me about my care and ask me what support I need'. Another person said, 'I'm happy here. Staff ask if I'm Ok and will give me what I need'.

The home was clean and tidy and had an effective infection control policy. Staff had a good understanding of related procedures. This was underpinned by regular training.

However, we observed that there were regular periods during the week when only two staff were on duty. Some people's needs were complex and required two staff to support them. Whilst providing this, other people's health, safety and welfare were not always safeguarded.

2 October 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At our last inspection in May 2012 we found major concerns about the recruitment practices at Bronswick House. In June 2012 we issued a legal notice to the provider giving then until the 18th July 2012 to address the concerns we had raised. We did this because we wanted the provider to achieve compliance by this date.

We did not speak to people at the home about the recruitment practices at this inspection because we were checking that the legal notice had been complied with.

10 May 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us they can express their views and were involved in decision making about

their care.

People told us that they consented to having treatment for their mental health needs and that staff could advocate for them by contacting mental health services if necessary. One person said, "I'm mentally ill, I get voices and get down at times. Staff are brilliant and know me really well. I don't mind if staff have to Contact my CPN (community mental health nurse) or psychiatrist if I'm not well as they're helping me".

We were told the staff team provided flexible personal care support and they felt well cared for.

People told us that staff monitored their care needs and acted to seek help and advice on their behalf. One person said, "There's always someone to talk to. Staff are very good at suggesting what I can do or help with. They keep an eye on me. I don't need to be helped but they remind me to take my medication as I don't remember. I don't feel confident to take them myself so staff keep them. I agreed this a long time ago".

Another said, "I was unwell but much better now. They (Staff) have kept and eye on me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them". They are always asking me if I'm ok, they're lovely, caring and loving".

We saw people in the home were relaxed around staff. They were able to express themselves freely and openly.

People told us they were happy for care workers to administer their medicines.

One person we spoke with had chosen to self-administer one of their medicines. They told us they 'always had one in their drawer" so they could "use it when they needed it'.

Another person told us they had enough information about their medicines they knew 'what medicines they have' and would 'tell staff if they got it wrong'.

People told us that the home was comfortable and offered them space to relax and socialise with one another.

1 December 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us they can express their views and are involved in decision making about their care.

We spoke to people about their experiences living in the home and were told the staff team provided sensitive and flexible personal care support and they felt well cared for.

'I have lived here for a number of years. I am very settled and have no wishes to go anywhere else. The staff are great. Very satisfied with everything'.

'I am very happy and settled. The routines are very relaxed and the staff are easy going. I love the activities'.

'I am fully involved in decision making about my care. I have agreed to the care staff provide me and how this will be delivered. I feel respected as person. They support me to make my own decisions and pursue interests of my choice'