Archived: Eaton Court Care Home

Eaton Court, Grimsby, DN34 4UD (01472) 341846

Provided and run by:
Winnie Care (Eaton Court) Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

19 October 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not speak to people directly about their care records. However we did observe people in the home to be content and calm. Some people made comments to us about the new floorcovering, which was being laid in entrance, and how they were looking forward to the 'new look'. We saw staff assisting people in a positive, meaningful and professional manner.

25 August 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We spoke to five people during the inspection. They all told us that they were happy at the home and satisfied with the care support. Some people were able to tell us that they had been consulted about their care and they were supported to maintain their independence.

Comments included "They look after me very well, they let me do what I can, they don't rush me and are always there to help", "The staff are lovely and kind" and "The care is good, the staff know how I like things, I have no concerns".

Relatives we spoke with told us "I visit regularly, I'm very happy with the standards of care, the staff are great" and "The staff are very kind and helpful".

11 May 2011

During a routine inspection

We conducted an unannounced inspection of this service on 11 May 2011 and spoke to a number of people who use the service and their relatives. They told us they were very satisfied with the service.

People told us that they were happy with their care and that they were well looked after. They saw their GP when needed. They told us that staff supported their independence and the activities programme was good. Comments included 'I am very happy here and well looked after'.

Staff were described as being 'polite, kind, lovely and helpful'. Some of the comments we received included: ' the staff provide very good support, they are all nice',' they always respect my choices and help me to be as independent as possible' and 'the staff know what help I need but they always ask me first, they are always polite and kind'.

People told us that they liked the home and it was always kept clean and tidy. Comments included 'the home is always very clean, never any smells', ' the cleaners are very good and they keep my room clean and tidy' and ' it is very comfortable here, I am very settled and happy'.