• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Spinney Hill

56 Spinney Hill Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 6DN (01604) 642515

Provided and run by:
Tracscare 2005 Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

24 September 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection visit to Spinney Hill we spoke with two people using the service and two members of staff and the manager.

People living in the home expressed satisfaction with the care and service that they received. They told us that the staff looked after them well and took them out into the community. One person told us 'I like all the staff and they are very nice and they take me to the cinema and shopping'. They also told us that they had one to one support from staff when they went out in the community and felt safe. Another person told us that they did different activities and enjoyed this. They also told us that the home was always clean and pleasantly decorated and they had chosen the ornaments for the lounge. They said that they received their medication on time and they accompanied staff to get their medication from the chemist.

The people also told us that they liked the food and discussed the menu for the week in their meetings with support from care staff. They also told us if they had any concerns they would speak to the staff and they would listen to them. The staff we spoke with told us that they spoke to the people every day to find out their views about how the care provided by them was meeting their needs.

We found the provider had adequate systems to ensure people's health and welfare. We also found that medicines were handled safely and that there were enough staff working to meet people's needs.

17 September 2012

During a routine inspection

On the day of the inspection visit there was one person living at Spinney Hill. We spoke with the person using the service and they told us 'I am happy living here and the staff are very nice to me'. They told us that the staff at the home took them to the day service three times a week. They said they enjoyed going to this place because they had made friends with some people and they liked doing different activities. They showed us a time table and told us 'this is what I do each day'.

The person also told us that they choose what food they wanted to eat and they sometimes helped staff with meal preparation. They told us that they helped set and clear the table after meal times. The person told us that they knew who to talk to if they were not happy at the home. They told us 'I will tell staff if I am sad and not happy and they listen to me'. They also told us that they had no complaints to make because 'staff look after me and speak to me nicely'.