• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Orchard Hill

100 Orchard Hill, Little Billing, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 9AG (01604) 403602

Provided and run by:
Tracscare 2005 Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

17, 24 April 2014

During a routine inspection

We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask;

' Is the service safe?

' Is the service effective?

' Is the service caring?

' Is the service responsive to people's needs?

' Is the service well-led?

Is the service safe?

People were cared for in an environment that was clean and hygienic. The home's equipment had been well maintained and health and safety checks were carried out regularly for fire equipment and water temperatures. Some areas of the service were being refurbished to meet people's needs.

We saw that the staff were experienced to meet people's needs and had a good understanding of their care needs. They had also received training on health and safety and safeguarding of vulnerable adults to ensure people were kept safe.

People's needs had been assessed before they moved into the home and care plans described how any identified risks to people were minimised. There were suitable arrangements in place to respond to emergencies, with the manager or provider's representative always being available 'on call' to support staff to manage the situation safely and effectively.

Is the service responsive to people's needs?

We saw that there were enough staff on duty on the day of our visit to meet people's needs; however they did not always get a break when they needed this. This was because they were short of staff and staff told us that they always met people's needs and ensured that their activities were carried out. The provider was recruiting more staff. The people told us that they liked the staff because they supported them to do the activities they enjoyed doing and they went on holiday. One person told us that they enjoyed cooking and said, 'We make fairy cakes.' We saw that care plans had been updated when people's needs had changed and that referrals had been made to health and social care professionals when needed.

Is the service well-led?

The provider had monitoring systems in place to ensure that medication administration records were fully completed. Staff training records were up to date and people's care plans were updated to meet their current needs. We saw that health and safety checks were also undertaken regularly to ensure all systems were up to date.

Is the service effective?

People's health and care needs had been assessed and care plans were in place. There was evidence of people being involved in assessments of their needs and planning their care. People told us that they were happy with the care they received. Staff had received the information, training and support they needed to meet people's needs effectively. One person told us that the, 'Staff are good and take me on holiday.'

Is the service caring?

All the people told us that the staff were very 'nice' and they would speak to them if they had any concerns and they would listen. We saw staff interact with people in a kind, and good humoured approach. They encouraged people with engaging in activities and spoke to them in a dignified manner. The staff told us that they enjoyed working with the people. We saw staff meetings talked about how to help the people living at the home achieve their goals and staff supported people to maintain contact with families and friends.

5 April 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who lived at Orchard Hill. They told us that they were happy living at the home. They also told us that they were looking forward to going out for their lunch. Two people told us that they had meetings with staff and talked about activities that they wanted to do and their menu choices. One person told us that the 'staff are nice and they talk and listen to me'. Another person told us 'I clean my own room and I know how to make a complaint if I am not happy'.

The people told us that the food was very good and they choose the meals. They showed us the menu, which was displayed in picture format and showed that the people had a variety of healthy meals. Two people told us that they enjoyed cooking and did this at the home and another said that they did cooking at college.

20 July 2012

During a themed inspection looking at Dignity and Nutrition

People told us what it was like to live at this home and described how they were treated by staff and their involvement in making choices about their care. They also told us about the quality and choice of food and drink available. This was because this inspection was part of a themed inspection programme to assess whether older people living in care homes are treated with dignity and respect and whether their nutritional needs are met.

The inspection team was led by two CQC inspectors.

During our visit to Orchard Hill we spoke with three out of the four people who use the service. They told us that they were mostly happy with the service provided and most staff were nice and caring. The people told us that they some times helped prepare lunch with support from staff and they all enjoyed this. They also said that the food was good most of the time and they liked living at Orchard Hill. One person told us 'I would like to have a cooked breakfast at weekends' and they said that they had informed the staff on duty about this.

The people we spoke with told us that they went on holidays and choose the places that they wanted to visit. One person said 'we have fun on holidays and staff look after us". Two people told us that they had residents meetings on a monthly basis with staff. They told us that they talked about food menus, holidays and things they were not happy with in the home. They also told us that they knew, which staff member they would tell if they were not happy about their care.

We observed that all the people were being involved in their care by staff. However we found during our observation that people's privacy, and dignity were not always upheld because some staff spoke to people in an inappropriate manner.