Archived: Jubilee Court Residential Care Home for Older People

Nabbs Lane, Hucknall, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG15 6HB (0115) 983 4630

Provided and run by:
Nottinghamshire County Council

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

10 November 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

We carried out this responsive inspection because we had concerns that this service had not been visited since 2009. During our visit we spoke with a number of residents who told us that they were happy with the care and support they received from staff. One resident told us, 'I like living here, I am happy and the staff look after me well.'

Residents told us that the quality of the food was good. We observed that each of the four units had clear information in the dining rooms displaying the menu. Residents were offered a choice of meals. We observed good levels of engagement between residents and members of staff. Staff spoke courteously to residents; one resident told us, 'The staff are very nice here, I cannot complain, I am comfortable here.'

All of the residents that we spoke with told us that they were well cared for and protected by staff. One resident told us, 'The staff treat us well, I am safe here.' All of the relatives that we spoke with told us that they felt that their relative was safe and well cared for by the staff.

Residents and relatives told us that they had not been provided with any written information from the service about the process to raise a safeguarding concern. Residents and relatives reported that they would discuss any safeguarding matters they had with the manager and other staff members and be confident that the matter would be dealt with appropriately.