• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

Archived: Define Cosmetic Surgery Limited

1 Mill Wynd, Yarm, TS15 9AF

Provided and run by:
Define Cosmetic Surgery Limited

All Inspections

27 September and 4 October 2013

During a routine inspection

The cosmetic surgeon provides procedures that can be completed under local anaesthesia at this clinic. All of the surgery he completes under general anaesthesia is undertaken in local private hospitals. He completes the initial consultation for these procedures at this clinic. His practices at the local private hospitals are reviewed when we visit those services so this inspection focused on the service offered at this particular location.

We spoke with one patient and a relative. The people we spoke with told us they found the service to be well-run and were pleased with the way they had been treated. They told us, 'Everything was clearly explained to me and so I knew what to expect', 'I was well looked after and I am very happy with the care I received' and 'I found them very helpful'.

We found that people who used the service were given appropriate information regarding their treatment. The procedures for obtaining patient's consent were run in two stages in order to offer a 'cooling off' period. This meant the surgeon and patients could be clear the treatment was what was wanted.

Mr Baguley was a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), a professional association for plastic surgeons. We found that he had taken action to ensure all the clinic practices were in line with the association's guidelines. We also found that effective management systems were in place to ensure the clinic operated safely and protected patients.

6, 15 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people to find out their opinions of the service. One person told us, 'It's been fantastic from start to finish' and 'It's a very proficient company enhanced by his ability [the surgeon].' Other comments included, 'It's 100% positive' and 'I've been very satisfied with the treatment I've received.'

We found that people who used the service were given appropriate information and support regarding their care or treatment.

We concluded that people's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan.

We concluded that people who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening.

We found that appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work. However we concluded that there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate that staff received appropriate professional development or that they were able, from time to time, to obtain further relevant qualifications.

We found that people were made aware of the complaints system. This was provided in a format that met their needs.