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  • Care home

Archived: Compass Lodge

121 Abbs Cross Lane, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 4XR (01708) 502179

Provided and run by:
Compass Residential Homes Ltd

All Inspections

28 January 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

When we visited the service in May 2013 we asked the provider to take action to improve the service. In November 2013 we made a follow-up visit. We found that effective action had not been taken. The required standards were not met. We issued a formal warning that improvements must be made by 11 January 2014.

Previously we found the service did not have suitable arrangements to ensure people's dignity and independence or to effectively enable them to communicate their decisions. On this visit we found up to date information about how the service met people's communication needs. We observed that staff were able to obtain people's views and take them into account in relation to their support.

When we last visited we found that people were at risk of receiving inappropriate care. Their care plans lacked proper detail about how the service assisted them with their health needs. On this visit we found that advice had been obtained from health professionals and people's care plans had been updated. Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that ensured people's welfare.

On our last visit we found the service had not kept people's records accurate and up to date. This placed them at risk of receiving unsafe care and treatment. On this visit we found these records had been updated and correctly completed. People's records were accurate and fit for purpose.

Previously we found the provider did not monitor the quality of the service in relation to the current required standards. On this visit we found appropriate checks were being made to identify and address risks to people's health, safety and welfare. There was an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service people receive.

The provider has made the necessary improvements. The required standards were met.

18, 22 November 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At our last inspection in May 2013 we found that people's communication plans were not up to date so we were not sure that they were effectively supported by the service to express their wishes about how they were assisted. We asked the provider to take action to meet the required standards. At this inspection we found that people's communication plans had not been updated. Staff did not have up to date guidance about how to communicate with people. This demonstrated that the service had not promoted people's dignity and independence by ensuring staff could effectively support them to make choices about their care. Action had not been taken on the issue we previously identified. The provider needs to make improvements to become compliant with the standards.

In May 2013 we found that the service did not effectively assess people's needs or plan and deliver their care. In addition, we found that the service had not always appropriately involved health care professionals in planning people's care. On this visit we found that people had up to date care plans in place but these lacked proper detail about how the service assisted them with their specific health needs. This meant people were not always protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment. In addition, we found that the service had not always appropriately involved health care professionals in planning people's care .This was similar to what we found in May 2013. Action had not been taken on the issue we previously identified. The provider needs to make improvements to become compliant with the standards.

In May 2013 we found that people's records had not been kept to the required standard. At this inspection we found medication administration records had not always been correctly completed and did not contain all the appropriate guidance for staff. People were not protected from the risks of unsafe care because accurate records had not been kept. Action had not been taken on the issue we previously identified. The provider needs to make improvements to become compliant with the standards.

On this visit we found the provider's arrangements to monitor the quality of the service were not effective. They did not assess and monitor the service with regard to the current required standards. The provider needs to make improvements to become compliant with the standards.

People were unable to tell us their views of the service because of their learning disabilities. We observed that they interacted positively with staff and they indicated to us that they enjoyed going out to clubs and activities.

29, 30 May 2013

During a routine inspection

People's views and experiences were not taken into account in the way the service was provided and delivered in relation to their care. People did not have access to advocacy and were not fully supported in communicating their needs.

Peoples' needs were not assessed and care and treatment was not planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. Care plans were disorganised, which made important documents difficult to find. There was no clear activities plan for people to take part in each day. Health care professionals were not properly involved in planning people's care.

The manager and carers we spoke with and observed, were interested in the welfare of the people who lived at the service and showed genuine concern. The manager and staff knew the needs of the people they supported.

The location had enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs. However, its staff rota planning could be improved.

People were not protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment because accurate and appropriate records were not maintained. Although staff we spoke to were aware of people's needs there is a possibility information about a person may be overlooked.

15 January 2013

During a routine inspection

People living at Compass Lodge experience varying levels of difficulties expressing their views due to having learning disabilities. They were only able to give us limited feedback about the service. We spoke with all the three current residents who made positive comments about the home. One of them said about the home that 'It's alright' and that they liked their room.

We found that people were involved in various activities in the home and in the community and were free to make choices. We observed that people were treated with patience and respect during our visit. People who use the service were relaxed and felt comfortable to approach staff members in the home.

Staff told us that they enjoyed working at Compass Lodge, the team worked together and that there was a friendly atmosphere in the home.

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not visit the service or speak with people who use the service on this occasion. We visited this service in July 2011 and found that people who used this service could not be confident that the service was robustly monitored by the provider to ensure that it was safe and met their needs. The provider subsequently confirmed that they had engaged the services of a consultant to carry out monitoring visits at the service and that this started in May 2012. Therefore we were satisfied that appropriate monitoring systems were in place.

18 July 2011

During a routine inspection

During the course of the visit we met and talked to all three of the people who use the service. Due to the degree of their learning disability and communication problems they were only able to give us very limited feedback about the service. However one person did tell us that he liked living there. We saw that staff spent time talking to people and that people seemed happy and relaxed in the company of the staff. We saw that staff treated people with respect.

We spoke to the relatives of two people who use the service. Both said that they felt their relatives were happy at Compass Lodge. One said, 'it is small and homely and my brother is well looked after.' The other said, 'my brother is happy and I'm very pleased. I do not have any complaints whatsoever or any worries or issues.'

We also spoke to 3 members of staff. They all felt that the people who use the service were happy living at Compass Lodge. One person told us, 'staff and residents are treated fairly. Residents are given choice and are not forced to do anything.' Another said, 'people always seem happy and excited to see staff. I don't think they would react like that if staff were not nice to them.' Staff also told us that people that wanted to went out a lot and did a lot of activities.