Archived: Swansea Terrace

108-114 Watery Lane, Ashton-on-Ribble, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 1AT (01772) 736689

Provided and run by:
Flightcare Limited

All Inspections

30 May 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke to people who live at the home, regional manager,staff, relatives visiting, and received comments from other professional agencies such as social services and the environmental health agency. Responses we received were positive and reflected how Swansea Terrace is run in the best interest of the people who live at the home.

Comments from people living at the home about their experiences, support and treatment they receive were positive , ' The staff are very good". Also " I feel I am helped by people who are responsible, thoughtful and caring, from the manager to all the staff".We spoke to relatives who were visiting the home, one said, "They look after my mum very well".

We spoke to staff members individually about training, management support and treatment of people who live at the home some responses were, "Training is now very good", also, "The manager is open and supportive". One staff member said, "I am qualified to deliver certain training sessions such as moving and handling which as helped staff". "We encourage people to be as independent as possible".

From discussion with staff, we found they are aware of what individual care residents need.this was evidenced by care records looked at. One relative we spoke to said,"The staff are very good at delivering the support mum needs".One staff member we spoke to who had been there for a while when asked why they thought the home was doing well responded by saying, "Better training for staff, supportive management, more staff and more skilled staff employed".

People who live at the home we spoke to only said good things about the quality of food. Comments included, " Good food", also, " The cook enjoys home cooking".We spoke to the environmental health team who said they had recently inspected the kitchen and awarded the home 4 stars (Good) on the 25/05/11, a certificate was on display to confirm this.

As part of the review process we spoke to Social Services for there view of how the home operates, and they told us they had no concerns over the past few months in respect of the delivery of care or any 'safeguarding issues'.

We spoke to a group of residents in the lounge area, how they liked the building and layout of the home, one said, "Its nice but could do with doing up a bit". A member of the management team said "We have a programme of improvements ongoing".

All the people we spoke to said good things about the staff and the way they are treated, comments included, " They are all helpful and supportive".