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  • Homecare service

Archived: Caremark (Cheshire South East)

Riverside, Mountbatten Way, Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1DY (01260) 277597

Provided and run by:
M & J Care Limited

All Inspections

10 March 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

A pharmacist inspector from the Care Quality Commission visited the agency on 19 August 2013 and found that further improvements were required to protect against the risks associated with the unsafe use and management of medicines. During this inspection we found that improvements had been made.

We spoke with three services users, the Registered Manager, Nominated Individual, and four staff members during the course of this inspection. We reviewed three care plans including their medication documentation. At the time of the inspection the service provided 1000 care hours in locations such as, Sandbach, Crewe, Leek and Congleton and employed 35 care staff.

People we met and spoke with told us: "We have the same carers who visit every time, they are a good team." Another person said: "Staff are very good and kind and they do a good job of looking after my medication with me." One person described how staff managed their medications with them and their family, which included the logistics of getting their medication delivered to their home, storing it correctly and appropriate recording in the medication administration record sheets at their home.

We found that staff only had a basic understanding but not a full appreciation of the issues around people's capacity to make decisions. That staff had not received training in the Mental Capacity Act (2005) or Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which was required.

19 August 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We inspected this service to review medicine management.

We found that people who use the service were not fully protected against the risk associated with the unsafe management of medicines.

We spoke with the registered manager during our visit.

We did not speak with people about the way their medicines were handled as people had been spoken with during a previous inspection visit in July.

11 July 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We inspected the service in February 2013 and identified improvements were required in relation to the care and welfare of people who used the service, in staff supervision and support and in the quality assurance systems in place. We revisited the service to see if improvements had been made in July 2013, and during this inspection we found some improvements had been made.

During this inspection we spoke to six members of staff, twelve people who used the service and four family members, the trainer, manager and provider. All the people who used the service we spoke with were complementary about the staff. One person said: 'They are good carers, they arrive in uniform with ID badges and they are respectful.' Another person who used the service said: "I get good care and support." A relative said: "The service had not been without its ups and downs but not in the care delivery, currently I've no concerns at all. In fact I'd say it's a good service.' Some people told us they had complained about the service in the past and had found the service responsive to their complaints and comments.

People who used the service, relatives and the staff we spoke with told us that care plans were available in people's homes to support staff to provide appropriate care.

17 April 2013

During an inspection in response to concerns

We found that the records about medicines were poor and we saw that people did not always have their medication administered as prescribed or at safe times.

We spoke with the provider and the registered manager during our visit.

We did not speak with people about the way their medicines were handled as people had been spoken with during a previous inspection visit in February.

5 February 2013

During a routine inspection

During the course of our inspection, we spoke with three people who used the service, two relatives, four staff members, the manager, training manager and the provider. People who used the service told us staff treated them with dignity and respect and their privacy was maintained.

Two of the three people we met told us they were happy with the service they now received but that they had been somewhat disappointed with the service until recently. People who used the service had reported missed or late calls. The third person told us: 'The problem with call times and staff changes are not to do with the care staff; it's the staff in the office." However, the people we spoke with including relatives did not wish to raise any complaints as they felt these issues were being or had now been addressed. The provider and manager had been working closely with the Local Authority to identify, monitor and improve the quality of the services people who used Caremark Cheshire South East received.

We found that the provider and manager were monitoring call times and that staff understood their responsibilities in appropriately reporting missed or late calls to the office staff. One person who used the service told us: 'I'd give it ten out of ten now,' and their relative said: 'I'd say eight out of ten because there is always room for improvement, but I am very happy with the care and the carers.'

23 May and 16 June 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke to people who use the service and asked their views about how they and their relatives are involved in making decisions about their care and treatment and how the service is run.

People told us they have information about the service which they keep in their home and they told us they are kept up to date with any new information by the staff that supported them.

They felt the standard of care provided by the staff was very good. People using the service and their relatives/next of kin told us that staff who support them treat them well and with respect.

Most people commented they were happy with the care they received and would tell someone if they were not. Everybody told us they would ask to talk to somebody in the office if they were not sure about the care and treatment received.

People who use the service made the following comments about the staff who supported them:

It's been very good, very helpful, we see the same staff and they all seem well trained.'

'I've used the agency for the past few months initially it was a bit mixed up'but it's all sorted now, someone from the office rang to sort it all out. We have the same staff daily unless they are on days off.'

'The staff are wonderful, you get to know the staff and they get to know you and get to know all your little ways.'

'I have no complaints, I have a care file but I've never looked at it so I'm not sure what's inside it.'

'The staff have been very good, they arrive on time and do what they are supposed to do.'

'I mainly manage my medications myself but I occasionally need the staff to manage them.'

'I've had just one visit from the office and they went through my care plan, I have all my contact numbers together if I need them.'

We had 2 queries from people about their relatives care packages. With their permission they were shared with the provider who made arrangements to meet them to discuss further to review and update their care package to get good outcomes for their relatives.

We had also contacted the local authority contracts and monitoring team before we visited the service and we also contacted them after out visit. They we positive about the service and had no concerns or issues that they needed to follow up.