• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: Compass Drug Dependency Clinic - Scarborough

65 Falsgrave Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO12 5EA (01723) 503920

Provided and run by:
Compass - Services To Improve Health And Wellbeing

All Inspections

12 November 2013

During a routine inspection

Compass Drug Dependency Clinic ' Scarborough supported substance misusers with complex needs. Advice and support was offered around dealing with all aspects of substance misuse. These aspects of the service were not inspected as under the Health and Social Care Act they are not defined as regulated activities. CQC has registered this service in relation to the work the nurses completed around the treatment of minor injuries; screening for blood borne viruses; giving advice on injecting, completing health checks and screening; and providing vaccinations.

We spoke with staff available on the day and reviewed the comments made by people following a recent consultation with local commissioners.

Effective management systems were in place to promote people's welfare and safety. Emphasis was given to the development of effective communication, advice and training with other providers. Staff told us this led to improved outcomes for people who used the service.

Staff were aware of current good practice guidance and they were knowledgeable about the people they supported. Staff discussed the role of the nurses and how recent developments in prescribing meant people could quickly have any immediate health care needs reviewed and could deal with their needs in a timely way.

We found that all staff worked together as a team and assisted people to access appropriate treatment and supported them through all stages of their care.

20 November 2012

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we looked at records and documentation for people who used the service. We saw that consent to care and treatment was regularly obtained both verbally and in written form. The person we spoke with told us that staff always asked before carrying out any care. People who used the service had a detailed care plan that looked at all aspects of their life. Staff used the information provided to ensure people accessed the right services.

We only saw one person who used the service and they told us they received good support from staff and felt safe using the service.

There was a complaints procedure, as well as other monitoring processes in place to ensure that any issues were addressed quickly and appropriately. Staff told us that they dealt with concerns and grumbles as they arose. One person who used the service told us they would be confident to raise a complaint with the staff or the manager and felt they would deal with it appropriately.

Staff told us they had to have a proper check before they could start work at Compass this was to ensure they were suitable to work with vulnerable people.

4 August 2011

During a routine inspection

During the visit people told us that they are involved in developing their own treatment plan and staff always treated them with respect. They also said that when Compass staff involve other agencies in their support plan they always explain why they are doing it.

People also said that they are always being asked for their opinion about the service. They felt that their opinion mattered. All of the people spoken with said that staff treated them with respect and dignity at all times and they never felt like they were being judged because of their life style. One person said that the nurses were nice and always supportive no matter who they saw.