Archived: Greenways Home for Older People

Salisbury Road, Darwen, Lancashire, BB3 1HZ (01254) 701954

Provided and run by:
Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

All Inspections

13 November 2012

During a routine inspection

During our visit we spoke with four people who lived at the home and two visitors. We observed staff treating people in a friendly and respectful way and we saw people were given choices. People told us they were happy with the care and support they received. Comments from people who lived at the home included, "I am very happy here; I'm well looked after" and, "It's good care; I'm comfortable". Comments from visitors included, "I'm confident I can leave her and she will get the care she needs" and "I am kept up to date with any changes". People told us they had no complaints about the service but would be happy to raise their concerns with the staff or managers.

It was clear there were opportunities for people to participate in a range of suitable activities both inside and outside the home. One person said, "There is always plenty going on".

At the time of our visit improvements to the home were underway. All areas of the home had been or were in the process of being refurbished and redecorated to provide people with comfortable, bright, accessible and safe accommodation. One visitor said, "It's a lovely place; bright and airy".

People who lived at Greenways made positive comments about the staff team. They said, "I can have a laugh with them" and "They are all very nice; very caring". Visitors told us, "The staff are marvellous" and "They work very hard to make it a home for everyone".

20 December 2011

During a routine inspection

People said they were offered choices in their routines and for important details such as food or interests.

People who used the service or their families were involved in care planning and received the treatment they required. Plans of care were well developed and maintained to keep staff up to date with each persons' needs.

People thought they were safe and could voice their concerns to staff or a family member if they wished.

The pleasant and clean environment gave people a homely environment to live in.

Staff were employed in sufficient numbers and the training provided ensured people felt well cared for.

The registered manager and senior staff obtained the views of people who used the service to help meet their needs.