• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Wildash's

68-70 Greentrees Avenue, Tonbridge, Kent, TN10 4NE (01732) 356815

Provided and run by:
Miss C M Wildash

All Inspections

2 May 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We spoke with four people who used the service. People told us that they liked living in the home and said 'I really like my room' and 'I love sitting in the conservatory and having a chat.' Alterations to the building had been made and were in the process of being made to improve the environment for people who used the service.

People experienced care and support that met their needs and ensured their safety and welfare. People told us they were happy with the care and support they received and said 'The staff are very good' and 'They help me and are pleasant.'

People were cared for by staff who were supported with supervision and training to deliver care safely and to an appropriate standard. Staff training had been either updated or was scheduled to be updated.

People who used the service, their relatives and staff were asked for their views about the care provided and these were acted on. People told us 'I can't complain about one of them. They're all very good.'

We saw that record keeping had improved and was in the process of being improved within the service.

9 November 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us that they liked living in the home, saying 'It's a nice homely atmosphere. We get on well together, I'm very lucky' and 'I like it here, it's a real home from home.' Relatives of one person told us 'The staff are very friendly'It's a very good unique little care home'.

The environment was suitable for the needs of people who lived there. People told us 'I really like my room, it's lovely' and 'The house is always very clean and looked after'

People were treated with respect and consideration by staff. People told us 'I can choose what time I want to go to bed' and 'I like the food. Staff ask us what we want to eat' One person said that staff always respected their privacy.

People told us that the care staff provided met their needs, saying 'Staff are very good, I haven't got any complaints at all' and 'We're looked after well, we've always got people to help out'. Relatives of one person said 'The owner is a nurse and makes sure the right care is there'.

People were provided with opportunities for pursuing their individual interests. People told us 'I like playing cards and chatting and love cats. We have an exercise man in and we all enjoy that' and 'I like reading papers and books and watching videos'.

Although people were positive about the care they received, there were some gaps in staff training and not all care plans and records contained up written guidance for staff to be able to meet people's needs in a consistent way.