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Archived: Rochdale Vulnerable Adults and Young Peoples Community Support Services

Cherwell Centre, Cherwell Avenue, Heywood, Lancashire, OL10 4SY (01706) 626745

Provided and run by:
Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

27 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited the service on 27th September 2013 and looked at outcomes 2, 4, 9, 12 and 16. We found the service compliant with theses outcomes. We spoke to four people in the supported living service and one in the shared lives scheme as well as staff in both services during a coffee morning to support the Macmillan cancer charity.

People using the service told us they were very happy with the service. They liked the staff that supported them. "I was so pleased that '. came back to work at our house after working at the others as she is just lovely ".

Assessment of people's need was thorough and person centred, with focus on their

individual circumstances and immediate to longer-term needs. Care and support plans placed an emphasis on people's right to be self-determining in how they lived their lives and take risks.

Peoples' capacity to make their wishes known when they did not use words was recorded and appropriate communication methods used.

The right of people to take informed risks had been acknowledged and risk assessments ensured a balance of safety and effectiveness. People were given guidance and support to keep safe in their home and in the community.

People were cared for by staff that were recruited properly and trained well. People could help to choose their new carer.

People said they were consulted all the time about the service they received. They particularly liked their tenants' meetings.

18 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited some people who lived in their own home and we spoke with three of them. The people we visited had complex disabilities and health care needs. This meant that they were unable to tell us in detail about their experiences of receiving a service. However, one person said 'The staff are alright'. People told us that they went out shopping, that the food was good and they could choose where to spend their time.

We saw that people were settled, received individual, respectful support and responded positively to staff.

We saw that people's care records for both services referred to their individual care needs, personal wishes and preferences. The records we saw showed that people were consulted about their care needs and personal wishes.

The staff we spoke with from both services demonstrated a good understanding of providing individual support to people and safeguarding them from abuse. Records were available of the training and personal development meetings staff had received.

Evidence was available to show that both services carried out regular checks or audits to make sure standards of care and service were maintained.

People had access to an easy read complaints procedure that used pictures and photographs to assist their understanding of how to make a complaint. We saw that complaints were responded to appropriately.

4 January 2012

During a routine inspection

We were advised by the manager of the service and a Shared Lives officer that no person who used the service would be confident about having a telephone discussion about their experience of the service. We contacted some Shared Lives carers by telephone who were very positive about the service provided.

The scheme was described as "brilliant"; "very good"; "supportive" and a "good setup".Shared Lives carers told us they were confident in the support they received from the service and that care plans were provided, accurate and regularly reviewed. Shared Lives carers told us of good communication between themselves and the office based Shared Lives Officers. They were confident they could complain if necessary and that the people who used the service were protected from abuse or exploitation.

Shared Lives carers told us that the scheme organised regular meetings for all Shared Lives carers, as well as individual support for themselves and regular review meetings with the people who used the service.