Archived: Caremark (West Berkshire and Reading)

Office 1, 62 Portman Road, Reading, Berkshire, RG30 1EA (0118) 957 1155

Provided and run by:
Dcapital Ltd

All Inspections

22 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with six staff, three people receiving a service from Caremark and four relatives of people using the service. We examined records, minutes of meetings and surveys. People we spoke with who used the service told us they were happy with their care and support and were well treated by the care staff. We were told that agency staff were professional and treated people with respect. One person told us "I can't speak highly enough of them". Another person said 'They fulfil my needs, I'm very grateful for them'.

We found that the agency's staff sought people's consent before they received any care or treatment and the staff acted in accordance with people's wishes.

The care plans we saw provided details of people's individual needs, wishes and preferences. The agency sought advice from external healthcare professionals where necessary and this was recorded in people's care files.

The agency had safe processes in place for medication and staff received appropriate training in this area.

We found that appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work and there were effective recruitment and selection processes in place. Staff had also received appropriate induction training.

People had been made aware of the complaints procedure. People told us their comments and complaints were listened to and acted on, without the fear that they would be discriminated against for making a complaint.

14 February 2012

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with who received care from Caremark and they told us that they were well supported by staff. They said that the staff encouraged them to maintain their independence as much as possible. People said that their privacy and dignity was respected and that their individual care needs were assessed and met with consideration.