Archived: Northampton Drug and Alcohol Service (NDAS) Spring House

39 Billing Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN1 5BA (01604) 627027

Provided and run by:
County of Northampton Council on Addiction (CAN)

All Inspections

18 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two people who used the service and they told us they were satisfied with the level of treatment and care they received. One person told us that they had received information about other support services and groups that could support them during their course of treatment. They said that being informed about additional support available to them had made a difference to their treatment and recovery.

They also told us they had been reluctant to use the service because they thought the staff would not be able to help them. They said that staff had worked with them over a long period of time and had helped them to increase their confidence and set their own goals and objectives. They said that this had enabled them to overcome their addiction and to live the life they wanted to have.

Another person told us that they had received acupuncture at the service to help them relax and increase their wellbeing. They told us that before they received the acupuncture treatment the staff had checked they were healthy and eligible for the treatment and had explained the treatment to them along with any side effects they might experience.

People told us the service also offered a 'drop in' facility so they could access the service without the need for an appointment. They also told us that the service had a dedicated telephone line so they could access additional support any time of the day or night.