• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: Criminal Justice Drugs Team

Castle House, 6-8 Nelson Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE1 7BA (0116) 257 5700

Provided and run by:
Leicestershire and Rutland Probation Trust

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

28 November 2013

During a routine inspection

As part of our inspection on this service we spoke with six staff members working at the service and four people who used or had used the service in the past. Two of the people we spoke with had used the service and were now working as "peer mentors" on a voluntary basis to support people who were currently using the service.

All of the people we spoke with who used, or had used, the service spoke very highly of the care and support they received. People told us that their care was based on their individual needs and that they had benefited from the care and treatment the service had given them. One person told us: "They are amazing. They're so lovely and caring. They don't breach any boundaries. I go there all the time. If you need someone to talk to you can just go there." Another person who had used the service in the past said: "Some of the things they do here are really good. It was this place that got me clean." None of the people who used the service had any concerns about the care and treatment they had received.

Staff we talked with were positive about the service and the environment in which they worked. They described being well supported and told us that they felt qualified and trained to carry out their roles effectively. One staff member told us: "People are involved in their treatment from the start. The goal shouldn't be ours. It's their goal." Staff described care and treatment that was focussed on the person using the service.

20 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five people using the service, three women and two men. They all told us the service was providing the support they needed. Comments included, 'They're brilliant. They've been so patient with me. I don't know where I'd be without these.' People told us they had agreed to the support and treatment they were receiving, whether this was voluntary or as a condition of a court order. We saw that people were asked to sign consent forms before receiving treatment. The people we spoke with said they had no need to complain. They were confident they would be listened to if they wanted to complain. We saw there was a complaints procedure which was available to people using the service and of which staff were aware. We found that staff were no aware of the provider's policy for recording minor complaints.

We saw that people were prescribed the medicines they needed and that staff worked with people to meet their requests for changes to medicines. The manager agreed to review procedures for the management of prescriptions to ensure they were kept secure.

Staff told us about the checks the provider had done before they started work. The provider could not show us evidence that these checks were done for all new employees.