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  • Homecare service

Archived: Home Choice Care Cambridge

First Floor, Chaston House, Mill Court, Great Shelford, Cambridgeshire, CB22 5LD (01223) 840113

Provided and run by:
Home Choice Care Limited

All Inspections

24 October 2013

During a routine inspection

People that we spoke with were positive about the care and support they received from care staff and told us that: 'The carers are very good and always cheerful.' People told us that care staff provided them with care and support in a respectful and dignified way.

We saw that peoples' preferences were recorded in care plans regarding the way they wanted their care to be provided and planned. Care and support was appropriately assessed and each care visit was documented with guidelines for staff about the care and support the person required.

We saw evidence that staff were trained and monitored regarding the administration of medication. Staff were aware of their responsibilities when recording medication that they had given or prompted people to take.

There was an induction programme and mandatory training in place so that staff were competent prior to delivering care to people. Supervision was regularly provided for staff to monitor their work performance and development needs.

There was a policy and procedure in place to deal with concerns and complaints. People told us that they knew who to contact if they wished to raise any concerns about their care and support

4 October 2012

During a routine inspection

People that we spoke with were positive about the care and support they received and commented that, 'The carers are kind and very good'. People told us that they felt involved in changes to their care and support and that their views and concerns were listened to and properly dealt with. Care and support was well coordinated and care planning documentation was detailed and showed peoples' involvement in reviews and planning of their support.

There were safeguarding procedures in place to protect people from harm. Staff were clear about their responsibility in reporting any incidents or allegations of abuse.

There were efficient recruitment procedures in place to ensure that only appropriate people were employed by the agency.

Quality assurance procedures were in place to monitor the running of the agency and people using the service were able to discuss issues and concerns at any time.

27 September 2011

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with made positive comments about their care and that told us they were satisfied with their care and support and thought staff were polite towards them. Their comments included, 'I am more than satisfied with my care'; "I think they (care staff) are first rate'. Some people who had previously received care from another provider advised us they were satisfied with the care and support they were getting from Home Choice Care.