• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Norman House Nursing Home

51-53 Elm Road, Shoeburyness, Southend On Sea, Essex, SS3 9PD (01702) 297217

Provided and run by:
Dr Ramkishore Tandon and Dr Nisha Menon

All Inspections

30 April and 20, 23 May 2014

During a routine inspection

The inspection was undertaken on 30 April 2014 and 20 May 2014. Additional information was forwarded to us by the provider following our inspection and was received on 23 May 2014.

During our inspection we spoke with three people who used the service and two relatives. We also spoke with three members of staff, newly appointed manager and the provider.

We looked at four people's care records. We also looked at the provider's arrangements for obtaining, and acting in accordance with, the consent to care and treatment for people who used the service. In addition, we looked at medication practices and procedures, the provider's arrangements for co-operating with others, the safety and suitability of the premises and; the provider's arrangements to monitor the quality of the service provided.

We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask; Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well-led?

This is a summary of what we found;

Is the service safe?

People told us that they liked living at Norman House and indicated that they felt safe.

We found that the delivery of care was not always in line with individual people's specific care needs. The delivery of care and support by staff to people who used the service did not always ensure their safety and wellbeing. We have asked the provider to tell us what they are going to do to meet the requirements of the law in relation to ensuring people are protected against the risks of receiving inappropriate care and support.

We found that people who used the service were protected against the risks associated with the unsafe use and management of medicines. Improvements highlighted at our last inspection on 16 August 2013 had been addressed.

Improvements highlighted at our last inspection on 16 August 2013 in relation to the safety and suitability of the premises had been addressed; with the exception of the service's fire exits. Information relating to the latter has been passed to Essex County Fire and Rescue Service. We have asked the provider to tell us what they are going to do to meet the requirements of the law in relation to ensuring people are protected against the risks associated with unsafe or unsuitable premises.

Is the service effective?

Where people did not have the capacity to consent, the provider had not acted in accordance with legal requirements. We found that not everyone had had their capacity to make day-to-day decisions assessed. We have asked the provider to tell us what they are going to do to meet the requirements of the law in relation to consent to care and treatment.

Appropriate arrangements were in place to ensure that people who used the service received regular support and access from a variety of health and social care services and professionals. There was good evidence to show that the provider was proactive in sharing information with suitable third parties and had a good relationship with external agencies and services.

Is the service caring?

People told us that they were happy living at Norman House and that they found the staff to be kind and caring.

People who used the service had a care plan in place detailing their specific care needs and the support to be provided by staff.

Is the service responsive?

We found that there were appropriate arrangements in place pertaining to complaints management.

Is the service well-led?

At the time of our first day of inspection on 30 April 2014, the manager had only been employed at Norman House for two days.

The provider was able to demonstrate that the majority of improvements highlighted at our inspection on 16 August 2013 that required action had been addressed. They were also able to demonstrate that there were suitable systems in place to assess and monitor the quality of the service provided.

16 August 2013

During a routine inspection

Our findings found that the atmosphere within Norman House was observed to be calm and relaxed. Staff working within the service were seen to be responsive to people's individual support needs and assistance was provided in a timely manner. Staff interactions with people who used the service were noted to be positive and it was evident that staff had a good knowledge and understanding of people's care and support needs. People who used the service told us that they were happy with the care and support provided.

Each person was noted to have a care plan detailing their care needs and how they were to be supported by staff. Where people lacked capacity, information relating to this was clearly recorded. Records showed that people who used the service were supported with their healthcare needs.

Appropriate systems were in place in relation to recruitment practices and procedures and enusring that there were robust systems in place to safeguard people who use the service and to monitor complaints. Further improvements were required in relation to medication practices and procedures and ensuring that the premises were maintained to an appropriate standard.

31 May 2012

During a routine inspection

Where people were unable to provide a verbal response or tell us verbally their experiences, for example as a result of their limited verbal communication or poor cognitive ability, we noted their non verbal cues and these indicated that the majority of people were relaxed and comfortable and found their experience at the home to be positive.

One relative told us that they had nothing but praise for the care staff and they were very happy with the care and support provided to their relative. They told us that their relative was very settled at Norman House. The only negative comment was in relation to their observation that too much emphasis was placed on staff completing paperwork and in their opinion it detracted from the care provided.

Two people spoken with told us that they felt safe and that, if they had any concerns or worries, they would discuss them with a member of staff. One relative spoken with told us that they were confident that any areas of concern raised would be listened to, taken seriously and acted upon.

People who use the service and their representatives were asked, by the provider, for their views about the quality of care, support and services provided at the care home in December 2011 and March 2012. Records showed that the majority of comments received were very positive. Comments included 'I am glad that recently there have been greater efforts made to provide music, entertainment and activities for the residents' and 'Staff are genuinely caring about the people who use the service and provide a good service. It's much appreciated.'

16 December 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

The people living at Norman House have varying levels of dementia and different communication needs. We were therefore unable to fully understand people's specific issues.

We met with some people who were confused as to time, person and place. They were relaxed and smiling and happy to converse with us about where they felt they were and who they were with.

6 October 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Most people living at Norman House have varying levels of dementia and some had difficulty understanding and responding to verbal communication around specific subject areas. Some people were able to speak in general terms about their experiences.

People spoken with said the care staff were nice.