Archived: Asra House

15 Asha Margh, Holden Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE4 5LE (0116) 266 2727

Provided and run by:
Asra Midland Housing Association

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

18 January 2011

During a routine inspection

People who use the service stated that they are very happy with the care they receive. Comments included the following:

'They are really looking after me';

'This is my home';

'I am looked after very well'.

People reported that staff members treat them with respect and are mindful of their right to privacy. They stated that they are encouraged to do things for themselves where possible and reported that staff members provide assistance if required. All of the people we spoke to stated that they receive a quick response to calls for assistance.

People who use the service stated that they are involved in making decisions about their care. They reported that they could decide how to spend their day, with some preferring to sit in the lounge whilst others stayed in their rooms.

People who use the service stated that family members can visit and reported that they are always made to feel welcome.

People stated that they enjoy the food that is provided, reporting that there is plenty of choice. A number of people were very complimentary about the meal provided on the day of our visit.

People who use the service stated that they are happy with the environment in which they live. They reported that staff members help them keep their rooms clean & tidy.

People stated that there are sufficient numbers of staff on duty at all times. They reported that staff members are competent and appear to be well trained.

People who use the service stated that they would speak to their care officer or the manager if they had any concerns. They reported that action would be taken. Comments included the following:

'Something would be done'.

The manager 'would sort it out'.