• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Angel Care Home

10 Church Street, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, WF13 3LA (01924) 459585

Provided and run by:
Plus Care Homes Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

21 May 2014

During a routine inspection

This was a scheduled inspection, which also followed up on our last visit in which outcomes 4 (care and welfare), 8 (cleanliness and infection control) and 21 (records) were non-compliant.

We carried out the inspection with our five questions in mind; is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?

Below is a summary of what we found.

Is the service safe?

We were concerned unauthorised access to the home was not monitored to make sure people were safe as we had been able to enter the building and no staff had been around upon our arrival. We found staff did not have a clear knowledge of the procedure to follow to ensure people were safeguarded.

Is the service caring?

Staff spoke with people in a patient, caring manner and there was evidence of good relationships between them. Where people were confined to bed, staff made regular checks to ensure their well-being and offered conversation, drinks or music to listen to. Staff we spoke with were happy in their work and said they enjoyed caring for people.

Is the service effective?

We spoke with six people and two visitors who came to see people living in the home. The visitors we spoke with told us they were happy with the standard of care provided. They said the staff were friendly and made people welcome. The people living in the home said they were happy and their needs were met.

Is the service responsive?

We saw people's wishes were respected with regard to their personal preferences. For example, one person said they liked to have a cigarette when they wanted to and another person said they enjoyed a glass of beer in the afternoon.

Staff told us if they had concerns about a person's health they would refer these to senior staff so that people received appropriate care and support.

The acting manager had taken steps to identify issues raised at the last inspection and to respond to reports from other agencies, such as the infection control team. We saw some improvements had been made where the previous inspection had identified concerns.

Is the service well led?

We found there were no suitable quality assurance measures in place so people's care and well-being could be monitored effectively. Risk assessments, policies and procedures were not up to date to give staff current information relevant to their role. Feedback was not obtained to monitor customer satisfaction with the service and it was not clear how people's complaints had been responded to.

24 June 2013

During a routine inspection

One resident told us that they "like it" at Vicarage House and felt safe in the home. Another resident said it was "alright here" and they felt "properly looked after".

Despite this positive feedback, we identified aspects of care which required improvement. We found some care plans were confusing and contained conflicting information. We identified that some residents had certain care needs but care plans were not always in place to meet those needs. Records did not appear tailored to individual residents but often contained general statements which were open to misinterpretation. The lack of clear and personal care records means there is a risk of care being delivered in a way which is inappropriate, or in a manner which is not safe.

We found concerns regarding the home's cleanliness. We found some bed frames were dusty, saw dirty linen, and dirt on the top of wardrobes. One of the communal toilets was heavily soiled, and the sink in the same room was dirty. A lack of adequate cleaning and hygiene means residents, staff and visitors are exposed to the risk of infection.

At the time of inspection, staffing levels were deemed appropriate. We found there was an appropriate recruitment process in place and a range of checks were carried out on applicants to check their suitability for working with vulnerable adults. We found that new staff were given an appropriate induction, and training, to prepare them for their work.

25 June 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with six people who use the service and these are some of the things they told us:

'I like all of the staff they are kind and helpful. There are activities that I can join in with if I want to. There is an exercise class on Wednesdays and I enjoyed the session when we made gift tags.'

'I can choose where I spend my time, I like to stay in my room to watch TV and listen to music. If I had any problems I would speak with the manager and she would sort things out for me. The staff are very good if there is anything you want, if they can, they will do it for you.'

'I would never go anywhere else, I enjoy it here and like the staff.'

'The hairdresser comes every Tuesday and is very nice.'

'I love it here the staff are willing to do anything.'

'I've got a nice room and it is kept clean.'

14 June 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People felt the home was kept clean and tidy.

People said the staff treated them with dignity and respect.

People said that the food was 'brilliant'.

People said that there were always the required levels of assistance provided in relation to use of a hoist.