• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Rachel House Residential Care Home

103 Sixth Avenue, Manor Park, London, E12 5PS (020) 8514 6141

Provided and run by:
Ms Estelle Moyo

All Inspections

18 April 2013

During a routine inspection

The provider/manager told us that they had not received their report from our last inspection on 01 October 2012. Although feedback had been given at the end of the last inspection, the provider/manager had not been aware of the compliance actions which we set. We assessed the areas of concern identified at our last inspection and although some improvements had been made, full compliance has not been achieved. We have therefore repeated the compliance actions set at our last inspection.

People that used the service told us that they were happy with the service provided and felt involved in the planning of their care.

Medication practices had improved since our last inspection in October 2012 but needed further development to ensure people were sufficiently protected.

We were unable to test compliance with the provider's recruitment practices as no new staff had been employed since our last inspection.

The provider had introduced a new policy and procedure file which covered all relevant areas but most of these needed adapting to be more service specific.

The provider was able to demonstrate that some monitoring of systems had been undertaken since our last inspection but the new quality assurance system in place had not been introduced for sufficient time to make the required changes.

28 September and 1 October 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People who used the service told us that they felt they were treated as an individual and were able to make day to day decisions about their life. People we spoke to said they had lived at the home for over 10 years and felt staff knew their needs and supported them with daily living tasks. People told us they went to the local shops and church but felt they would like more opportunity to meet new people and pursue interests. Staff were respectful when talking about people and demonstrated a good understanding of their needs.

Although there are only three people who use the service, staff support is often limited to home based activities.This is because there is usually only one member of staff on duty at any one time. The deputy manager lives at Rachel House and the rota evidenced that they worked most of the shifts by themselves. The provider/manager told us that they worked two or three evenings a week and at weekends during the day.

5 January 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people who use the service about their experience of the care and support they received. They gave generally very positive feedback. Comments included, 'It is alright here, I get on well with the staff.' 'I am looked after, they do it with respect.' and 'I feel safe here.'