Archived: Broadoaks Homecare Agency Limited

Office 7, 94 Bell Lane, Marston Green, Birmingham, West Midlands, B33 0HX (0121) 788 4509

Provided and run by:
Broadoaks Homecare Agency Limited

All Inspections

8, 18 May 2012

During a routine inspection

We carried out this unannounced visit by visiting the agency on 8 and 18 May 2012. We spoke with four representatives of people using the service and three care workers by telephone. During this visit we checked if the agency had taken the actions needed to become complaint with the areas we identified that they were not compliant in at our previous visit in February 2011.

We looked at the care records of three people and found that they and their representatives had been involved in providing information about the support they needed. This helped to ensure people got the support they wanted.

We spoke with four representatives of some people who were receiving a service. They told us that they were happy with the service. They told us that care workers usually visited at the time they had agreed. There were some occasions when people had not visited at the agreed times. This meant some people did not always receive their care at the times that they preferred.

Care workers told us that there were arrangements in place to cover staff absences. Care workers were allocated to provide care to people on a regular basis so people had continuity of care. When the regular care workers were not available other care workers were allocated. Efforts were made to provide care workers who had previously attended the call.

Comments made by people included:

'Care workers are respectful. They talk nicely to me.'

'My regular carer knows what I like and want.'

We saw evidence that the agency had made efforts to be flexible in providing care. Times of calls were adjusted to meet people's needs.

3 February 2011

During a routine inspection

Comments we saw in questionnaires that had been sent to people by the agency included:

'All carers are most polite and helpful. Extremely satisfied. Carers come on time usually. They are never in a rush'

'Very satisfied. I am always happy with the way my carers treat me'.

'I am quite satisfied. They sometimes spend less time with me than they are supposed to. They are sometimes in a rush. I am usually happy with the way my carers treat me.'

'I am quite satisfied. I have never felt I could ask for any changes'.

We spoke to some people who used the service or their relatives where appropriate. When asked if they felt their privacy and dignity was respected they told us:

'Yes, staff are polite and understanding.'

'Staff good. Respect privacy.'

'Yes'..they make sure everyone goes out of the room.'

Two other people confirmed that the care workers were 'polite, responsive and very good'.

When we asked if care workers came at the right time and if they were told if a different care worker was going to come they told us:

'They phone mostly if they are going to be late. Usually the same carers except if staffing problems.'

'Can be late sometimes. Different people have been coming. Can't expect them to come at the same time always.'

'Mostly same staff. She gets upset when staff change but people have to go on holiday or leave. Will let you know if they are going to be late.'

'Yes unless there are holidays. If late they will ring.'

'Not at weekends. Usually late. Not informing at the moment.'

Another person told us that the agency was flexible to meet their needs.

We were told that two care workers always went on calls where equipment was used.

People told us that where shopping was carried out care workers always left them receipts with the change.

We were told that:

People who needed help with meals would be given choices from the food available in the fridge or freezer.

People who needed help with medicines were given it. They recorded it in a special book.

We asked people if they had ever been unhappy with the service. They said:

'I find that if I have any issues I raise it with the girls. If it didn't get resolved I would go the office but it's never been needed.'

'Generally happy with the service'.

'If there have been any issues I have raised it with the carers first, if not resolved go to agency. Can speak to office staff anytime. Know if I was away a month X would be ok. Have a good rapport with the agency.'

'No. If any issues would raise with carers first and then go the agency. Satisfied with the service'

'Never made a complaint. Haven't raised about carers being late. No complaints information received. Would ring the office.'

'Have raised issues sometimes and they have been resolved. Will ring them if not happy'

We were told that the staff wore gloves and aprons when assisting people.

People told us that their views about the service were collected regularly. One person said they had never been asked. Others said it was periodic, six monthly or yearly.