Archived: Pathways 4 Care Birmingham

115 Pershore Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B5 7NX (01562) 748660

Provided and run by:
Pathways 4 Care Ltd

All Inspections

14 November 2013

During a routine inspection

Pathways 4 Care provides personal care and support to people who wish to retain their independence by living in their own home.

Although the service has been registered for some time they had only been providing a service to people from 18 September 2013. At the time of our inspection the agency was providing a service to only one person but had previously been providing care to three people.

We visited the agency office and spoke with the registered manager, care co-ordinator and one care staff. We then spoke on the telephone with two care staff and with two relatives of people who used or had used the agency.

People's relatives told us they were happy with the support that staff provided. One relative told us, 'We only had them for a short while but they were very good.'

We found that people were protected and safe from abuse. Staff recruitment records showed that new staff had been checked to make sure they were suitable to work with vulnerable people.

Staff told us they felt supported to meet the care and welfare needs of the people who used the service.

Systems in place needed further development to monitor the service that people received to ensure that the service was satisfactory and safe.