• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Magnolia Also known as Community Care Solutions Limited

11 Station Road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG18 8AL (01767) 315562

Provided and run by:
Community Care Solutions Limited

All Inspections

19 September 2013

During a routine inspection

When we visited Magnolia on 19 September 2013, we saw that people were happy and at ease, living in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. The three people who currently lived at this home had various levels of verbal communication. We therefore used different methods to help us understand people's experiences, and observed the interactions between people and the staff they were supported by.

The three people we observed clearly communicated through their body language they were satisfied with the care and support they received. We observed that they were offered support that ensured their individual needs were met and independence encouraged. Staff were friendly and respectful in their approach and interacted confidently with people, respecting the individual's dignity and skilled at communicating effectively with them.

We noted people were involved in making decisions about their support and how they spent their time. Within the care files we saw care documentation had been signed by the individual or their representative to confirm their involvement and agreement with their provision of care. We found evidence of mental capacity assessments being completed for people and full involvement of appropriate professionals in the decision making process leading up to such assessments.

We reviewed the quality assurance processes in place within the home and found that these ensured that the service monitored the care that was being delivered to the people who used the service.

21 March 2013

During a routine inspection

During our inspection of Magnolia on 5 December 2012 we found that the provider was not compliant with the regulations relating to care and welfare. We found that people did not always experience treatment and support that met their needs or protected their rights.

We also found that the provider was not compliant with the regulations relating to medicine management. We found that medicines were not managed well enough to ensure that people received their medicines safely and as they were prescribed.

During this inspection on 21 March 2013 we found that improvements had been made and people received the care and support they needed in a timely manner. The provider's policy relating to administration of medicines had been updated so that people received their medicines when they needed them. One person's nutritional requirements had been reviewed with their consultant and more detailed guidelines had been written for staff so that they were clearer about what foods the person could eat.

We also noted that some improvements had been made to the way medicines were being managed. For example, the numbers of tablets in stock, prescribed to be given 'when required', tallied with the records. However, the amount of a liquid controlled drug did not tally with the records.

5 December 2012

During a routine inspection

During our inspection of Magnolia on 5 December 2012 we used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people living at the home, because people had complex needs and were not able to talk with us about their experiences.

We observed that, in their different ways, people showed they were content living at this home and that they had good relationships with the staff. They showed that they felt safe, and were satisfied with the service being provided. There was laughter and friendly banter between staff and people living there during our inspection.

Care records were personalised and gave staff good guidance on what people could do for themselves and the support they needed. Risks were assessed and minimised and people saw other healthcare professionals to ensure their health was maintained. However, people did not always receive the care and treatment they needed in a timely manner.

Staff understood how to protect people from abuse and what to do if they suspected any abuse had occurred. Staff told us they enjoyed working at this home, had received a wide range of training and felt well supported by their team and their manager. The provider had a complaints procedure and people were supported to make a complaint if they wanted to.

However, medicines were not managed well enough to ensure people received their medicines safely and as they were prescribed.

31 August 2011

During a routine inspection

Some of the people that we met during our visit on 31 August 2011 did not use words to communicate, so we spent some time observing the support being provided to them.

We noted that some staff were attentive, and understood the needs of the people that they were supporting. Whilst others did not engage with people as easily.

Two people told us that they liked living at Magnolia; and told us about some of the things that staff support them with.