Archived: Rickford

The Workshop, Rickford, Bristol, BS40 7AH 0845 272 6800

Provided and run by:
The Home Care Provider Ltd

All Inspections

28 September 2012

During a routine inspection

We undertook an inspection on the 28 September 2012 to look at care plans and systems that were in place to support people that use the service. Following our inspection we spoke with five people who use the service over the telephone and five members of staff.

Most people we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the care staff that were supporting them. We were told staff were courteous, polite and treated them with respect.

People also told us that staff had the skills to enable them to do their work. Some comments included; 'the girls themselves are good' 'they meet my needs' 'it's mostly good'.

However some people told us 'staff are often late, but it is not their fault as the office doesn't leave enough time between calls for travelling,' more staff are needed'.