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Archived: P J May - 16 Godwyne Road

Godwyne Road, Dover, Kent, CT16 1SW (01304) 201714

Provided and run by:
P J May

Important: We are carrying out a review of quality at P J May - 16 Godwyne Road. We will publish a report when our review is complete. Find out more about our inspection reports.

All Inspections

18 February 2014

During an inspection in response to concerns

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because the people had complex needs which meant they were not all able to tell us their experiences. People told us that they had been at the service for many years. One person told us 'I like my room'. Another person told us 'It's alright here'.

We saw that the provider did not have systems in place to obtain consent from people in relation to their care and treatment.

We found that the provider did not take appropriate action to ensure people who used the service were safe from abuse and did not take appropriate action to prevent abuse from occurring.

We found that the service had not been properly maintained and felt cold.

Staff had not received the appropriate training and had not had the opportunity to attend relevant training in order to gain the competencies they needed for their roles. Staff did not receive regular supervision.

The provider did not have robust or effective systems in place to monitor the quality of the service.

The provider was not reporting incidents in line with legal requirements.

Documentation we viewed was not always up to date, was incomplete and was not easily accessible. Historic documentation was not retained for the required amount of time.

17 May 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

On 4th January 2013 we carried out an inspection at the service and found that essential standards with regard to the management of waste that may cause offense were not being met.

During this inspection we saw that the areas where we had concerns had been addressed and improved. The provider had employed the service of a registered waste company and a new system had been introduced to implement and monitor safe processes for soiled linens and waste that was produced by the service.

4 January 2013

During a routine inspection

People told us they liked living at the home. People looked relaxed and were at ease with each other and the staff. One person told us 'its good here, I am with my friends'. People said they thought the staff were kind and caring, but sometimes they were very busy. One person said 'I like to go out but sometimes the staff are to busy to take me'

People said that they have enough to do and enjoyed different activities and clubs. People told us that the food was nice and they could choose something else if they did'nt like the meals on offer.

Peoples health needs were supported as the service worked closely with health and social care professionals to maintain and improve peoples health and well being.

The home was clean and tidy but some processes and procedures were not in place to protect people who use the service, staff and others from the risk of the spread of infection. Policies were out of date demonstrating that robust monitoring of infection control had not taken place.

People who used the service knew how to raise a concern and were supported to make a complaint knowing that it would be acted on and rectified.

18 August 2011

During a routine inspection

The people using the service said they liked living in the home and liked the staff.

Some of the people were not able to talk to us, so we observed what was happening in the home and how they were supported to communicate their needs by the staff. We saw good eye contact and gesturing between the staff and people living in the home. People smiled and looked relaxed. Staff helped them choose what to do. They said they liked going out and talked about their interests and what they had done recently. They also liked to help in the house, taking it in turns to do some of the household chores.