Archived: Oliver House

20 Bishophill Junior, Bishophill, York, North Yorkshire, YO1 6ES (01904) 653301

Provided and run by:
City of York Council

All Inspections

7 October 2011

During a routine inspection

The people we spoke with said that they received the help and support they needed when they wanted it. One person said 'The staff help me with the things that I cannot do for myself'. Another person said 'The staff encourage me to walk about even though I may fall. I want to keep active'.

People we spoke with told us that they felt safe. They said that they felt protected by the staff who they said were gentle and kind to them. They told us that they knew how to raise issues if they had any concerns. One person said 'I feel safe here with the staff. Another person told us 'I know if I had something on my mind I could tell the staff'.

The people we spoke with did not know if staff received training. One person said 'The staff are there to help us'. Another person said 'The staff are nice, I think they do have some training'.

People we spoke with said they were asked by the staff if they were happy with things. We saw evidence that one person had completed a survey to gain their views about how they felt the service was being run. One person said 'The staff ask me if everything is alright'. Another person said 'The staff seem to care about me'. However, one person said 'I do not know who the manger is'.