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Archived: Crossroads Care Redbridge - Epping & Harlow Epping & Harlow Office

United Reform Church, Lindsey St, Epping, Essex, CM16 6RB (01992) 572557

Provided and run by:
Redbridge, Epping and Harlow Crossroads - Caring for Carers

All Inspections

2 September 2014

During a routine inspection

As part of our inspection on 2 September 2014, we looked at the support records of three of the 80 people who used the service. We spoke with three people's main carer. We also spoke with a member of staff.

We looked at records relating to staff training and support and the checks the provider and the manager had in place to monitor the quality of the service.

We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask; Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well-led?

This is a summary of what we found;

Is the service safe?

People told us that they had regular support workers (staff) that they, and the person supported, were familiar with. They told us that this consistency helped them to feel safe.

Staff were provided with regular training in areas such as health and safety, infection control, safeguarding people from abuse and manual handling. This meant that staff had been given information to help them to keep themselves and other people safe.

Is the service effective?

People's care records showed that their support needs had been reviewed. Risks had been identified and appropriate controls put in place to limit these. This meant that staff were provided with information about how people's needs were to be met safely and effectively.

All of the people we spoke with told us they were very satisfied with the quality of the service they received.

Is the service caring?

People told us that they found staff to be very caring. Comments included, "They are all very nice people, and you know that they care," and, "The staff are fantastic. You can see they are vigilant in adhering to the policies to keep people safe, and in monitoring how people are, and making us aware of that."

Is the service responsive?

People we spoke with told us that their views were regularly sought, including through the annual satisfaction survey and through telephone contact from the service. People also told us that, while they had never had any concerns regarding the service, they would feel able to raise any questions or issues, and believed that they would be listened and responded to.

One person told us that the service was responsive and was suited to the individual and their specific needs.

Is the service well-led?

We saw that the improvements identified as required at our last inspection had been made. The manager was able to demonstrate that they, and the provider, had suitable systems in place to assess and monitor the quality of the service provided to ensure people's safety and well-being.

6 February 2014

During a routine inspection

Crossroads Care Redbridge - Epping & Harlow office provide respite support for carers and people they support.

During the course of our inspection, we spoke with 21 people who used the service or their relatives. People were very positive about the care and treatment that they, or their relative received.

We found that there was a thorough assessment of people's requirements before they started using the service, which sought to ensure that care was planned and delivered in a way which met people's needs.

People were protected against the risks associated with medicines because the provider had appropriate arrangements in place to manage medicines.

People were cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard.

The provider did not have an effective system in place to identify, assess and manage risks to the health, safety and welfare of people who used the service and others.

The registered manager advised us that the complaints policy was available in people's homes. This was confirmed by people that we spoke with. One person told us, "I have never had anything to complain about, but I know they'd listen if I did. That gives me peace of mind."

20 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We found that people were provided with information to enable them to make an informed choice before consenting to care. One person who used the service told us that, "They discussed all the options with me, I feel that I am involved with my relatives treatment and the carer always asks me if things are ok."

We reviewed people's care records and found that these were focused on the needs of the person using the service and that care was delivered in a personalised way. One piece of feedback we saw from a person who used the service read, "I have appreciated your very professional approach, the suggestions and sense of initiative, and clear care plan. The notes in the log book are clear, and the introduction of your carers to us before care commenced was invaluable to us."

We found that staff were knowledgeable in relation to safeguarding matters, and had been provided with up to date relevant training in this area. We found that suitable employment checks had been carried out on staff prior to employment, and that people who used the service were supported by staff who were suitably experienced to do so.

People's records and medical information was stored securely, and that organisational policies were suitable for the type of service and were reviewed on a regular basis.

21 February 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us that they had been given information about the service and also about the support to be provided. They had been involved in decisions about their care and felt respected.

All the people we spoke with were very happy with the care provided and felt it met their needs. They described that care as 'excellent' and 'wonderful' and staff as 'skilled' and 'competent'.

They told us that staff were reliable and consistent and that this was important to them. It allowed for good relationships to be built up and this helped them to feel safe and comfortable. One person said "I feel that (person) is in safe hands while I am out."

People said they were satisfied with the quality of the service overall and would feel able to raise any concerns if they arose. People told us they had been using the service for a number of years and commented 'We could not do without them, they are excellent', and 'They are so good for us, we cannot thank them enough.'