Archived: Abberdale House

165-169 Hinckley Road, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE3 0TF (0116) 291 5660

Provided and run by:
Shankar Leicester Limited

All Inspections

7 February 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us that they were involved in their care and that staff treated them with respect. They also told us that their privacy was respected.

In support of this, one person told us that they had been able to look round the home before they moved in. They also said, 'the staff knock on the door before they come in.' They told us they needed help to have a shower and get dressed and said that staff respected their privacy when doing this.

Other people told us, 'I generally sit where I want' and 'they don't mind, they let you lie in. I like to spend time in my room.' 'You can do what you want,' 'the staff always treat you with respect, they are all lovely' , 'you can have a shower anytime, one day I didn't want one and they (staff) said we'll leave it and you tell me when you want one.' Also, 'they moved me from the table that I was sat at, as there was no-one I could talk to, so they moved me to one where people could talk (to me).'

One visitor said about their relative, 'she always looks nice, she dresses herself,' and said that staff treated their relative, 'with respect.'

People told us that their care options were explained to them. The care records at the home were unable to support this as they did not record any discussion that staff had with people about their care. One person told us, 'the care is explained to me,' but didn't know about their care plan. Another said they had not seen their care plan and didn't know there was one. A visitor said, 'I don't know whether anyone had signed the care plan and I haven't seen it.'

One person who used the service told us, 'I am looked after wonderfully.' Another told us that they saw the psychiatrist and their doctor. A relative said, '(named the person) sees the doctor and the chiropodist sees them regularly. They suffer with their chest and the doctor is straight out if needed. '

People were satisfied with the meals provided. They told us, 'the food is not too bad, the chef doesn't do bad meals and you've got a choice,' 'the food is great, I ask for a small dinner and I get one. I am not a big eater,' and 'you can have what you like, they come round with a cup of tea in the afternoon, whatever is on (the menu) you tell them what you want.' A visitor told us that their relative, 'doesn't eat much, but they have no complaints.'

People told us that they saw other health professionals in the community.

People told us they felt safe living in the home. One said, 'I like it here and I want to stay here,' they added 'you've got to be careful about one or two of the residents,' but said they felt safe. Another said, 'I am happy here.' A relative said, 'we don't worry about (named the person) safety, I'm really happy.'

People told us that the home was kept clean, they said, 'they always mop this floor,' (pointing to the hall) and 'the cleaner comes every day.'

One person told us, 'the staff are generally good and make sure you get your medication.'

People told us that they were happy with their surroundings and that they had seen improvements. One told us, 'my room is quite nice I have a T.V. and radio.' Another said they had chosen the colour scheme for their bedroom and was happy with their new window that had been fitted.

One person told us they liked to sit outside in the summer and there was a separate smoking area that was partially covered for them to sit.

A relative told us, 'it suits my mum down to the ground, it's laid back, it's homely; they have invested in the place and made it more modern - it's definitely looking better,' and 'I just come anytime, I take her out.' Also that, 'I can go to her room if I need privacy, it had been painted before she came in with a new carpet. We feel its ideal for mum.'

We observed staff using equipment that was required to meet people's needs.

People who used the service said, 'the staff are wonderful, there's never anything that's too much trouble,' and 'the staff are good to you.' A relative told us, 'the staff are nice and friendly, no problems.'

One person spoke about the manager and said, 'I can't find any fault with her.' People knew the names of the staff who worked at the home. One said, 'there are enough staff here and I generally get on with them.' A relative told us that, 'there are enough staff to take people to the shop. (named the person) is always telling us that staff took her down to Tesco.'

People told us that they thought the care staff understood their needs. One said, 'I accept that the staff will care for me. They take me to the toilet. I can't say a word against any of them.'

One person told us they had, 'no complaints at all. I would talk to (named the manager) if I wanted to complain. She'd listen to me, she's a good lady.' A relative told us, 'we haven't raised any concerns, they seem pretty accommodating, I would speak to the manager if I had any concerns, she is definitely approachable; They have been really good, we are happy.