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  • Care home

Archived: Parkhouse

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

73 Todmorden Road, Burnley, BB11 3ES (01282) 436471

Provided and run by:
Mr Joseph Serge Zephir

All Inspections

29 December 2015

During a routine inspection

We carried out an inspection of Parkhouse on the on 29 December 2015 which was announced. We last inspected the home on 1 October 2013 and found the service was meeting the regulations that were applicable at that time.

Parkhouse is a large spacious detached house situated near to the town centre of Burnley. The service provides personal care and accommodation for 12 people with a learning disability. At the time of our visit there was six people living at the home.

There was no registered manager in post. The provider had an agreement with the commission to keep this under review because changes within the company was being made. A nominated representative appointed by the provider was overseeing the management of the service. This will be reviewed in April 2016.

A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

People using this service and their representatives were involved in decisions about how their care and support would be provided. The registered provider and staff understood their responsibilities in promoting people's choice and decision-making under the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). CQC is required by law to monitor the operation of the DoLS. We found the location to be meeting the requirements of DoLS.

Staff had training and guidance on protection matters and people using the service were given guidance on keeping safe.

People told us they were cared for very well and they felt safe. Staff treated them well and gave them all the support they needed. One person said “I’m happy here. This is my home.” People looked comfortable in staff presence and one relative told us, ”I would know straight away if there was a problem. Although she cannot tell me if something was wrong, her body language would. She is always happy to come back to the home when I have taken her out. That speaks volumes. The staff are really lovely with her. I’ve been very happy with her care.”

People told us they determined their own routines with staff support and staff support was flexible. This meant people did not have to conform to institutional routines and practices. We observed staff supporting people with respect whilst assisting them to maintain their independence.

People were cared for by staff that had been recruited safely and were both trained and receiving training to support them in their duties. People using the service were involved in recruiting staff and providing induction training when they started work. Staff training was thorough and most staff held a recognised qualification in care. We found there were sufficient numbers of suitably qualified staff to attend to people’s needs and keep them safe

Support with managing finances for people was strictly monitored by good accounting and regular auditing by the management team. This meant people could be confident they had some protection against financial abuse and this was closely monitored.

Individual risk assessments had been completed for all activities and were centred on the needs of the person. People’s rights to take risks was acknowledged and management strategies had been drawn up to guide staff and people using the service on how to manage identified risks.

People had their medicines when they needed it. Medicines were managed safely. We found accurate records and appropriate processes were in place for the ordering, receipt, storage, administration and disposal of medicines.

The home was warm, clean and hygienic. There were infection control policies and procedures in place and the service held a maximum five star rating award for food hygiene from Environmental Health.

People told us they were satisfied with their bedrooms and living arrangements and had their privacy respected by all staff.

Each person had an individual care plan. These were sufficiently detailed to ensure people’s care was personalised and placed them at the centre of their care. People’s care and support was kept under review, and people were given additional support when they required this.

Referrals had been made to the relevant health and social care professionals for advice and support when people’s needs had changed. This meant people received prompt, co-ordinated and effective care.

From our observations we found staff were respectful to people, attentive to their needs and treated people with kindness in their day to day care. Activities were personalised, varied and people had good opportunities for community involvement.

People were provided with a nutritionally balanced diet. All of the people we spoke with said that the food served in the home was very good. People chose their own menus.

People told us they were confident to raise any issue of concern with the provider and staff and that it would be taken seriously. They had weekly house meetings to discuss any matter that affected them.

People had been encouraged to express their views and opinions of the service through regular meetings, care reviews and during day to day discussions with staff and management. There were opportunities for people to give formal feedback about the service, the staff and their environment in quality assurance surveys. People with limited use of words were supported to communicate their wishes using visual reference in an accessible format, and where appropriate, their family had been involved. Recent surveys showed overall ‘excellent’ satisfaction with the service provided.

People said the management of the service was good. Staff and people using the service told us they had confidence in the registered provider and considered they were ‘listened to’. There were systems in place to monitor the quality of the service and evidence the findings supported business planning and development.

1 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with most people living at Parkhouse who were able to tell us about their care. People told they were happy with the care and support they received. One person told us, "I am very happy being here it's better that where I lived before, staff always help me and we always have fun' and another person commented, "We are really well supported and we are happy here and have no complaints'.

People were involved in their assessment of needs and in their care provided. People's views were taken into account and they were therefore able to influence the delivery of their care being provided.

We found the people we spoke with were happy with the care and support they received. One person told us, "I am very pleased, staff always help me and we have fun' and another person commented, "We are happy here'.

Staff were provided with appropriate training opportunities and received regular supervision and appraisal. One carer told us the staff team, 'Definitely all support each other'. Staff also told us they received regular update training and supervision.

Suitable arrangements were in place to ensure people were safeguarded against the risks of abuse.

There were systems in place to monitor and continually assess the quality of the service provided.

21 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people who used the service. They told us they were happy with their care and accommodation and said they were treated well by the staff at the home.

We found that suitable arrangements were in place to manage effective consent procedures for people living at Parkhouse.

People were encouraged to manage their own finances and had access to their own bank accounts as well as having somewhere secure to store their personal items.

We found personal profiles had been completed for each person living at Parkhouse as well as health action plans, an activity chart and appropriate risk assessments.

11 October 2011

During a routine inspection

People living in the home told us they were happy living there. They had their own bedrooms and had a key for their doors.

They had meetings to discuss their care and how they wanted people to help them. If people have difficulty saying what they want staff will use other methods such as pictorial reference, use of body language and objects of reference. This helps to make sure people are properly represented and get the service and support they need and want.

Each person had a key worker who helped them achieve the things they wanted to do. They had organised activities they enjoyed doing such as going to evening clubs. They kept in touch with their families and friends. They planned holidays and visits to places of interest. People told us they had a holiday in Scarborough. They enjoyed it and staff went with them. One person told us he went to football matches with hios cousin. He said, "I like it here the staff are good. I'm settled". Another person told us she went to the Salvastion Army every Sunday. Her sister took her.

People told us they had the help from other people such as their GP and from social and health care professionals. One person told us he was waiting for a wheelchair to help him get out more. They considered staff were helpful, friendly and nice. Staff helped them keep safe. They talked about the choices they made and discussed any possible difficulties they may have.

People knew how to keep safe and what to do if they have any problems. They are shown how to protect themselves from abuse, neglect and self harm. They also had their own policies and procedures, information about their rights and their own house rules they agreed on.

When they need new staff they help the manager choose the people they want. They interview people and give the new staff induction training. They said they talk about being treated properly and discuss topics such as been given dignity, respect and being allowed to be themselves.

People told us they were involved in any decision about how the service is run. They attended staff and management meetings. They could all take a turn to join in and put forward ideas and views of how the home should be run. They took part in discussions when any improvements or changes they wanted or needed. People told us the manager and staff listened to them.