Archived: Abbeywood Care Home

Ribble Road, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 7BX (01253) 776761

Provided and run by:
Dr S Subbiah

All Inspections

15, 22 January 2014

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Since this inspection has taken place the provider of Abbeywood has decided to cancel his registration. An application has been received by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

We carried out this responsive inspection because Abbeywood had not met the standards required on the last inspection. Also in response to information of concern indicating that Abbeywood had breached the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated activities) Regulations 2010. We carried out this inspection over two days, checking if non-compliance had been improved and looking at issues of concern.

At the last inspection, in August 2013, the provider and registered manager were told improvements to the homes record keeping and quality assurance were needed. We requested a written action plan by 23rd September 2013, informing us how the home would become compliant. We did not receive this on time. Written action plans are required under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010. We reminded the provider and registered manager of their obligations and received the written action plan on 25th October 2013. They told us that they would be compliant by 30th November 2013.

On this inspection we looked at care and welfare, management of medicines, safeguarding, records, staff recruitment and staff support and management of the home. We spoke with the manager, staff and people who lived in the home.

We observed care and spoke with people during this inspection. Some people had limited verbal communication and understanding and were unable to hold a detailed conversation with us. Other people were able to talk with us. To help us understand their experiences of living in the home we observed the care they received and the interaction by staff.

People were positive about the care and support they received and said they were well looked after. However this was not reflected in our observations of care practice or in the management of the home.

We looked at whether staff in the home were protecting people from possible abuse and found they were not. Several staff had accepted large amounts of money as gifts, from a person who lived in the home. They had not reported this to any relevant people or organisations.

Medicines were not safely administered or managed and were not always given as prescribed.

We also looked at staff recruitment and found that recruitment was unsafe and did not protect vulnerable people. Staff had not received an appropriate induction when starting work in the home. Some staff had not received suitable training to support them in their roles. Neither had most staff received formal supervision.

Despite being non-compliant at the last inspection, the provider was still not carrying out checks of the care and management of the home. The manager had started carrying out basic monitoring checks but these did not check if care records, medication or staff recruitment and support was satisfactory.

Record keeping had deteriorated since the last inspection. We looked at the care records for six people. These were only partially completed and some people had no care plans in place.

13 August 2013

During a routine inspection

There were nine people living at Abbeywood when we inspected. Some people had limited verbal communication and understanding and were unable to hold a detailed conversation with us. To help us understand their experiences of living in the home we observed the care they received and the interaction by staff.

People said the care and support they received was very good. They told us that the staff were kind and patient and that they received care and support when they wanted it. One person said, "The staff always do so much for us. They can't do enough for everyone. They are so good'. Another person told us, 'I am happy here the staff are lovely. I would recommend here to anyone'

We observed people being treated with respect and dignity in a safe way. We saw that staff assisted people with personal care discretely and sensitively, in a timely manner. We saw satisfactory numbers of staff on the inspection to respond to people's needs.

Some record keeping needed attention and quality assurance checks were not in place. This meant that the provider and staff did not know whether the home was being run as it should be.

23 October 2012

During a routine inspection

During our inspection we spoke with some people and observed staff delivering personal care support. We saw people were treated with respect and dignity. We were told the staff team provided sensitive and flexible personal care support and they felt well cared for. The people we spoke with said they felt safe and protected from potential harm. They said they were happy with their care and the staff were responsive to their needs.

A visiting healthcare professional told us they had no issues or concerns about the care being provided. They said the staff were very helpful when they visited and the people in their care appeared well cared for.

'We felt the warmth of the staff when we looked around. They were so friendly and made us feel really welcome'.

'My family visit at various parts of the day. We always find the staff are very patient and caring with mum. She is always clean and well presented. I have never witnessed anything that has caused me concern'.

'We are always made to feel involved in mum's care which is so important to us. The staff really are brilliant with her'.

3 November 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We spoke to the manager, staff, people living at the home, relatives visiting, and received comments from other professional agencies such as social services. Responses we received were positive and reflected how the home is run in the best

interest of the people who live at Abbeywood.

Comments from people living at the home about the care, experiences and support they receive included, "The staff are fantastic." Also,"They are very good and always keep me informed and encourage me to make decisions."

We spoke to staff members individually and they about respecting people who live at the home and treating people with dignity. One staff member said, "We are aware of the difficulties for people with dementia. Patience, understanding and empathy are key to helping people." Relatives visiting the home were spoken to and only said good things about how their relatives were treated and cared for. One said, "This is the best place for my husband, the staff are fantastic and caring people."

Staff spoken to knew about individual care needs of people. As this is a small home they could identify if anyone had problems. One staff member said, "We do have time to spend with residents due to only being a few people living here."

We spoke to lancashire county council contracts monitoring department and they have recently undertaken visits to the home. They said issues still remain in relation to lack of risk assessments and recording in peoples care records. However they said they had no concerns in the way staff support people living at Abbeywood.

We spoke to the new manager about lack of information and recording of care plans for people. The manager is aware of the problems and is addressing the issues. Comments from the manager and staff included, "We are all working hard to ensure recording and providing information to ensure people are kept safe and up to date information is available." The manager said, "We are getting their."

People who live at the home and relatives we spoke to only said good things about the quality of food. Comments included, " Good home cooking." Also, "Always provide good meals for people."

20 April 2011

During a routine inspection

People spoken to who were living in the home said they liked it at Abbeywood. Many people living in the home have dementia and discussion was limited with some people.

One person we spoke to told us the staff helped her to do things. Another person said she could get up when she wanted, when she liked. The people we spoke to during our visit told us they were happy with the care they were receiving.

One person spoken to said she chooses what activity she wants to do in the home.

We asked people living in the home about the care and support they received and were told the staff were kind and supportive and helped people well. One person said 'They are all nice here.' Another person said 'Yes, they look after me well.'

People spoken with told us they enjoyed the meals provided by the home. One person said 'I enjoyed my lunch. The pudding was good.'

People living in the home and staff said they would talk to senior staff if they had any concerns about care in the home.

Two people living in the home said that the home was clean and looked nice and tidy.

Senior staff said that CRB checks are always carried out before staff commence employment.

People living in the home said staff are kind and cheerful. One person said, 'They look after me.'

One person said about what they would do if they had concerns, 'I just tell the staff if there is something wrong and they help