• Community
  • Community healthcare service

Archived: Advantage Healthcare - Farnborough

Suite 1 Ground Floor, 7 Alexandra Road, Farnborough, Hampshire, GU14 6BU (01252) 376123

Provided and run by:
Advantage Healthcare Nursing and Care Limited

All Inspections

9 October 2013

During a routine inspection

As part of this inspection we visited three people in their homes and spoke with their relatives. We also spoke with people on the telephone. People and their relatives confirmed that their care needs had been identified, discussed and agreed with staff. One person told us "They do what I want and I am involved in discussions."

People who used the service or others acting on their behalf who paid the provider for the services they received, knew how much they were expected to pay and understood their obligations and responsibilities.

People told us that on most occasions they were cared for by the same members of staff. One person said 'Oh yes I have the same staff every day most of the time apart from when they are on holiday.' People told us staff were very never late for a call. One person told us 'The carers always arrive when they are supposed to.' Another person told us 'If staff were going to be delayed we would be informed by office staff.'

People knew senior staff well and received regular visits from them and they kept in contact by phone. One person said "X turns up to help the girls out sometimes."

People were able to feed back on the quality of the services provided by staff. They talked about the performance review questionnaires they had been asked to complete. One person said 'Oh yes I regularly get asked to fill one of these in.' Another person said 'I often get a call from the girls at the office to find out how things are going.'

21 February 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people and their families regarding their care. They told us staff always asked for their consent prior to entering their homes or providing their personal care.

Local authority and health care professionals told us the agency staff were proactive regarding identifying people's changing care needs and involved them as required. They told us people's needs were looked after well.

Staff recruitment practices and procedures were robust and ensured that people were cared for by staff that were fit to do their jobs.

One person told us "I have been having care from the agency for a long time and I have never had to complain". Another person told us " If I had any concerns I would contact the office staff". Relatives spoken with told us that that on occasions where they had minor concerns, they discussed them with staff and they were dealt with immediately.

19 October 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

One relative told us they were very happy with the care provided by the agency. They said that the agency followed procedures, and kept their relative's care plan up to date and kept them involved and informed as to how things were going. They told us that the agency sent a performance review questionnaire to them every three months to seek their views as to how the agency was performing.

One person told us that they were very happy with the care provided by the agency.

Another person told us that they had been with the agency for a considerable amount of time and that they were happy with the arrangement.

One relative told us that the agency was very flexible, listened to their views and made changes when the need arose.