• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Headingley Court

Headingley Way, Edlington, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN12 1SB 0345 293 7647

Provided and run by:
Mimosa Healthcare (No 4) Limited (In administration)

All Inspections

8 April 2014

During a routine inspection

Our inspection looked at our five questions; is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?

Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations, speaking with people who used the service, speaking with staff supporting them and looking at records.

If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary, please read the full report.

Is the service safe?

People were cared for and supported in line with their assessed needs. We spoke with people who used the service and they felt able to raise any concerns with the staff or the manager. They were confident that they would resolve any issues.

We observed staff and saw they respected people and offered choices suitable to their needs.

The provider had systems in place to ensure the service was safely run. Audits were carried out by the registered manager.

Is the service effective?

People's health and care needs were assessed and care plans were designed to meet the needs of people who used the service. People felt that they were involved in their care.

Each person had a named nurse who was responsible for their care. They ensured the care plans were still relevant to meet people's needs. The registered manager completed a care plan audit every month and looked at 20% of care plans to ensure they reflected the person's needs.

Is the service caring?

We observed staff interacting with people who used the service and saw that they were caring and kind in their approach. Care plans included people's interests, likes and dislikes. This ensured that people's preferences were considered as part of their care and their life history had been used effectively.

We spoke with people who used the service who told us that they felt they were cared for appropriately. One person said, 'I get on well with the staff, they help me when I need them to.' Another person said, 'It's alright here, I would like to be at home but staff are nice and I feel happy.'

Is the service responsive?

The service had an activity co-ordinator who planned social events and daily activities for people who used the service. Activities were based on people's likes and interests.

We spoke with people who used the service who told us they felt able to discuss anything with the manager or the staff. One person said, 'I can talk to the staff and they understand me.'

Is the service well-led?

We spoke with staff who were clear about their roles and responsibilities. They felt the manager was very supportive.

The manager sought the views of people who used the service in order to improve. Residents meetings took place on a regular basis and people felt able to contribute. There was a quality assurance system in place which was completed on an annual basis. The registered manager acted on suggestions made and discussed the outcome of the survey with people who used the service and their relatives.

6 June 2013

During a routine inspection

People told us that they had been consulted about the care package they received and that care plans were discussed with them. People who used the service told us that they had been given written information about it. Relatives also commented that they felt very involved in the service and in the care of their family members. One person who used the service said, 'I am very involved and very happy.'

Peoples' needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. People felt that staff offered the support required and gave them time to be independent. One person said, 'The staff are kind and very caring.' Another person said, 'Staff always ask me how I want to be assisted.'

People's health, safety and welfare was protected when more than one provider was involved in their care and treatment, or when they moved between different services. This was because the provider worked in co-operation with others.

People were cared for in a clean, hygienic environment. We spoke with people who used the service and their relatives and they told us that the home was generally clean. One person said, 'The home is kept clean.' Another person said, 'My wheelchair is kept lovely and clean.'

People were cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care safely and to an appropriate standard. We spoke with people who used the service and their relatives. One person said, 'Staff are very knowledgeable about my relative's condition.' Another person said, 'Staff are very helpful.'

The provider had an effective system in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received.

10 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We noticed that people who used the service gave consent to their care and treatment. The appropriate procedure was followed where people were unable to give consent. One person who used the service said 'Carers always ask me what I want and I choose.'

People who used the service had a care plan which was relevant to their individual needs. People were able to participate in appropriate activities throughout the day. People were happy living at the home and one person said 'It's a lovely atmosphere here and people are very friendly.'

We saw that people had a choice of meals and they told us that they were happy with the food provided. The cook was involved in residents' meetings and discussed the menu. We spoke to the cook who said 'Feedback from the meetings helps me to understand what people would like to see on the menu.'

The environment was clean, comfortable and well maintained. One person who used the service said 'I like my bedroom, I have my family photos and a television and I enjoy spending time in my room.'

We found that there was enough staff to meet the needs of the people living in the home. Staff told us that they had received training and felt supported to do their job. One care worker said 'There is enough time to meet people's needs and to spend time with people.'

12 December 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People told us there had been more activities organised recently but the activity organiser was going on maternity leave and they were worried what would be organised then. They also told us they were able to access the community and visited the local shops.

People we spoke with told us that staff explained procedures and any treatment to them and respected their decisions about care.

People also told us the staff were good, that the service had improved over the last few weeks and they felt happier.

People told us they knew about their care plan and could have input if they wished. One person told us they did not want to see their care plan and that staff had respected that.

People told us the staffing levels seemed better and they did not have to wait long when they called for assistance. However, they also told us that some times during busy periods, for example meal times, they had to wait longer.

People told us they had attended residents meetings and the manager communicated with them. They said that they felt they were listed to now whereas in the past they had not been. They also said that action was taken now if required and people told us they were happy as their care had been reviewed. They told us they had been requesting a review for a long while.

10 October 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

People told us they were bored and there was nothing to do. They did not always have choices. Staff were very busy and did not have time to explain things or offer choice.

People told us they had to wait long periods for staff to attend to their needs as they were very busy. They also told us there were a lot of new staff that did not always know how to look after them.

One person told us when he came to live at Headingley Court he was told he would get taken out, he told us, 'This doesn't happen. I am stuck inside getting fed up'.

22 June 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People were very positive about the improvements made at the home during the last few weeks, especially having more staff around.

They told us that they have been asked about the care they need and nurses were trying to include them in what happened to them at the home.

One person said that they were able to find a care worker when they call for one instead of waiting, which they had done in the past.

One person said, 'Lots to do and it's good.' Also this person explained that 'the staff now come to take part in activities.'

'Care workers are not rushing around, it's a good thing.'

'I get help when I need. The workers are good people.'

'I have been asked what I like and my life history. I don't mind telling them.'

22 June 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

People told us the staff were good but were always very busy and they had to wait for care needs to be addressed. Relatives also told us the staff were always busy especially in the mornings.

One person was still in bed after lunch we asked if this was their choice they told us no they had to wait for staff to be available to bath them.

One person told us he was unable to have a shave as the staff were not available and they couldn't do it himself.