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  • Care home

Archived: Willowdale Lodge

21 Cromer Road, Southend On Sea, Essex, SS1 2DU (01702) 469547

Provided and run by:
Mrs S Quick

All Inspections

7 November 2013

During a routine inspection

When we visited Willowdale Lodge we found that the people who used the service were able to consent to their care and treatment but a process of assessing their ability to consent and then review it was not formally recorded. Staff we spoke with were aware that consent was required before providing care.

Care plans we viewed reflected that people's dependency levels had been assessed. This enabled the provider to produce a personalised care plan. People had their health requirements reviewed regularly to keep them safe and healthy. People we spoke with were complimentary about the care they received. One person said, "I am very happy here and I get good care. The food is also good and I get taken to the hospital for my appointments when I need to go. The staff are very kind here."

We found that the provider had systems in place to protect the people living there from a health care related infection. All areas of the home were clean and tidy and cleaning schedules were in place. Food was prepared and cooked safely and they followed the guidance 'Safer Food Better Business' which helped keep people safe.

Staffing levels had been maintained at all times where possible and records we viewed reflected that people had received appropriate training that met the needs of the people living there.

The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the services they provided and they sought feedback form people living there, relatives and members of staff.

5 February 2013

During a routine inspection

People living in Willowdale Lodge were happy with the level of care and support offered. People told us, "We are like a big family here and I think of the staff as my friends," "I have nothing but praise for them," and, "They are very good here and there is not much staff turnover so you get to know people." People's care needs were assessed and planned for with any risks associated with their care being minimised as far as possible. We saw that where possible people were involved in this process and encouraged to identify their needs and preferences. People told us that they felt comfortable and secure living in Willowdale Lodge and were aware of how to raise any concerns.

Staff said that they were well supported and had opportunities for training. We saw that care workers were generally kept up to date with training in essential areas such as moving and handling. The service is not large and staff felt that communication and teamwork in the service was good. This would help to ensure that people receive a good and consistent service.

People were happy with the quality of the service. There were systems in place to ensure that the quality and safety of the service was monitored and maintained. However, better audit tools and processes being introduced would develop a more coordinated and consistent approach to ensuring quality.

4 October 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

When we visited the service in June 2011 people told us that they were happy with the service they received at Willowdale Lodge. They said that they felt comfortable and secure. They found the staff supportive and caring, and felt that the care they received was good. This visit on 3 October 2011 was to check on how the service had made needed improvements. People looked relaxed and told us that they were happy living at Willowdale Lodge.

19, 20 June 2011

During a routine inspection

People living in Willowdale Lodge told us that they experience good care and are happy with the service they receive. They said, 'They are alright here and I am very comfortable,' and, 'They look after me very well here and are all lovely.'

People said that they liked the food at the home and were offered choices about what they ate. One person said, 'The food is very good, much better than the hospital' Another said, 'The food is excellent and plenty of it.'

People told us that they felt safe and secure at Willowdale Lodge and that the staff were nice.