• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Lyndhurst Residential Care Home

College Street, Leigh, Wigan, Greater Manchester, WN7 2RF (01942) 606319

Provided and run by:
Belong Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

22 August 2014

During a routine inspection

We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask;

Is the service safe?

Is the service effective?

Is the service caring?

Is the service responsive?

Is the service well led?

This is a summary of what we found-

Is the service safe?

Accidents and incidents were recorded locally at the care home and also uploaded onto the provider`s internet system. These were reviewed regularly by a quality assurance manager. Any similarities or trends were analysed and results were passed on to the manager at the care home for further investigation. This meant the health and safety of people who used the service was protected.

We observed staff members undertaking appropriate infection control procedures. This included wearing protective aprons and gloves when supporting people with their personal care, undertaking domestic duties and working in the kitchen and laundry areas. We looked at the store room. This was locked at all times which helped ensure the safety of people who used the service.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) become important when a person is judged to lack the capacity to make an informed decision related to their care and treatment. The provider told us no applications for DoLS had been made but knew the procedure to be followed if an application needed to be made. At the time of our inspection, no person who used the service was subject to a DoLS.

Is the service effective?

People who used the service had undergone a pre-admission assessment before they were admitted to the care home. The care plans we saw contained clear and relevant information related to the individual care needs and choices of the person. This meant the person had been involved in the creation of their care plans.

We saw a programme of activities for people who used the service. A day trip was planned to a local market and, on the last Friday of every month, people attended a local social club and took part in activities. A lay-person visited the home regularly and spent time with people from all denominations. If necessary, people were supported to attend a church of their choice in the community.

Is the service caring?

We spent time with people in communal areas and observed how staff provided the care and support they needed. We saw staff were very patient and took their time to understand the different needs of people. Staff interacted well with people and support was provided at a pace that suited the person.

People told us if they felt unwell, staff quickly arranged for a doctor or nurse to call and see them. One person told us, "If you tell the carers in the morning you don`t feel well, a doctor will be here in the afternoon. They are very good with anything like that."

Is the service responsive?

People completed a range of activities both within the home and around the local community. An activities co-ordinator was employed at the care home for twenty hours per week. However, the manager told us it was intended to increase the hours to include weekends.

A complaints procedure was in place at the care home which helped ensure people were supported to express any issues or concerns they had. People we spoke with were aware of the complaints procedure. One person told us, "If I have a problem I know who to see. The staff are very good here and always help."

Is the service well led?

We found the provider had effective systems in place that monitored the quality of service being provided to people who used the service. Monthly quality audits were undertaken which were monitored by a quality assurance manager at head office. Outcomes were forwarded to the manager so any shortfalls could be identified and addressed.

GP and other professional visits and appointments had been recorded. The manager told us they had a very good relationship with external agencies which showed a multi-disciplinary approach to providing care. This helped ensure people received appropriate care when they needed it.

26 June 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with ten people who lived in the home. They told us they were happy and well cared for. Comments included; "there is no place like home but this is the next best thing." Another person told us "excellent, a really lovely place to live." People also told us that they made their own decisions around personal and health care, such as times they wanted to go to bed and get up and where they spent their time.

During our inspection we saw that all mandatory staff training was up to date. We also saw that some further training relevant to their roles and responsibilities had been provided, such as caring for people with dementia.

Staff told us they felt valued and empowered. Comments included " The company have invested in me and have enabled me to develop and learn new skills."

Care records viewed were clear and identified peoples individual needs. However daily progress sheets should hold more detailed information about the care and support provided. This would enable staff to carry out an audit trail if required and enable peoples relatives to have information about the daily care and support provided.

14, 15 August 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with fourteen people who were living at Lyndhurst and one relative during our visit.

People told us that they had been given information about the service and had been asked about what they felt their needs were. Comments included; 'Staff asked me what name I liked to be called so I told them I liked a shortened version of my name to be used. That is the name they always use now' and 'I was told about this home before I came here. I was given details of the care provided and it turned out to be better than I expected, it's great here'.

Their comments overall were very positive. They all agreed that they liked living at Lyndhurst and used words to describe it such as; 'It's wonderful'; 'excellent'; 'we have no problems here.' and 'we're very happy here.'

One person told us, 'I could not be in a better place'. Other comments included; 'I have been able to regain some of my independence because of the kindness and consideration of the staff here' and 'Staff understand my needs and treat me very well'. People said that daily life was good but they would like a few more activities to take place to make life even better.

One relative was able to tell us that they were very happy with the care and that the standard of care was always very good whenever they visited. They felt that the home had a good atmosphere and was always clean and tidy and never had any unpleasant smells.

People who were able told us that they were provided with their medication at certain times of the day and night by staff who 'knew what they were doing'.

People told us that staff were reliable, kind, caring and very good at their jobs.

People told us that they felt they were given the opportunity to influence how the service was run. They told us that 'residents meetings' were held on a regular basis and that they could speak openly at these meetings.

People told us that if there was something they didn't like they could tell the registered manager and they knew she would act on this and "make it better".

11 April 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us that their views are taken into account.

People told us that residents meetings were held and that they were able to express their opinions about what they liked or disliked about the service.

They told us that care staff were approachable and that they felt listened to.

One person told us they were very happy living at Lyndhurst and they had no complaints. They said "The staff are great and look after me they always ask me what I want to do and what I would like."

One person told us Lyndhurst was the best care home she had ever found. They said "the staff are wonderful, they can't do enough for you' I can't wait until and can come here permanently"

Another person told us they liked Lyndhurst because it "was so homely", and one person said they had lived at Lyndhurst for several years and that they were very happy and felt well cared for. They said "care staff are very good and treat you well'.

People told us that they were very satisfied with the food provided at Lyndhurst. People said there was "a good choice and plenty of it".

People told us that they felt there was enough staff on duty and that sometimes they had to wait for staff to see to them but this wasn't a problem. One person said "we know they are busy but they always come back to us".

People told us that if there was something they didn't like they could tell the registered manager and they knew she would act on this and "make it better".

People told us that if they had to make a complaint they felt confident that they would be listened to and that action would be taken to put things right.