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Archived: Community Care Services Stand Road

24 Stand Road, Newbold, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S41 8SW (01246) 268364

Provided and run by:
Lifeways S S P Care Services Limited

All Inspections

10 December 2013

During a routine inspection

There were three people living at 24 Stand Road at the time of our inspection. We met all three people and spoke with two of them to gain their views. We spoke with two members of staff and the manager.

People told us they liked living at 24 Stand Road. They told us about what they enjoyed doing. One person said, 'I like cooking. We make pizzas.' Another person told us they liked going on holiday.

We saw that people were involved in making decisions about their care and support. People were encouraged to give their views about the service they received.

We found that people were kept safe because there were appropriate procedures in place to protect them from abuse or the risk of abuse. We saw that the premises were adequately maintained and there were suitable security measures.

We found that there were effective recruitment procedures that protected people using the service. Staff told us they had relevant training and support to ensure they could meet the needs of the people living at 24 Stand Road.

28 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We met all three people living at the service at the time of our inspection. We spoke with one person directly who told us that they were 'happy living here. I like the staff and enjoy walking the dog'. The other two people chatted in passing, but were getting ready to go out shopping with the staff members on duty.

Staff spoke respectfully to the people living at the service and the people appeared comfortable and relaxed. One person told us that they liked cleaning and vacuuming the carpets. Staff confirmed that they ensured that the person had the support and assistance to undertake any such appropriate tasks they wished.

One member of staff told us that they were 'happy with the standard of care they were able to deliver'. They explained how choices were supported and how the wishes of the people living at the service were assessed and upheld.

All three people were due to go out on a shopping trip with the staff members on duty. The manager was called in and the rest of the inspection was conducted while the people living at the service were out.

26 March 2012

During a routine inspection

We met and spoke with all three people using the service. People appeared happy and relaxed. They responded positively to staff. People told us about what they enjoyed doing. This included helping with housework and preparing meals, shopping, going swimming, and visiting relatives. One person said "I'm happy here" and another person said they liked the staff - "we get on alright".