• Non-hospital acute service

Archived: McDiarmid-Hall Clinic

22 Imperial Square, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 1QZ (01242) 571020

Provided and run by:
McDiarmid-Hall Clinic Limited

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

4 December 2013

During a routine inspection

We talked with nine patients who attended the clinic on the day of our inspection. We spoke with three members of staff and had further discussion with another member of staff after our visit.

After an initial consultation patients had a two week period of time to reflect on their proposed treatment or procedure. One patient said, "the consultation was very thorough, they didn't use medical jargon and illustrated the treatment using diagrams". Patients said they were fully informed about their procedures. Systems were in place for pre and post-operative support. One patient told us, "I was warned about post-operative care" and another said, "was very reassured".

Patients were asked for their consent to share information about their treatment with their GP. The clinic liaised with private hospitals which provided the facilities and accommodation for patients having surgery.

Systems were in place for the safe administration of medicines. Patients were requested to provide information about any medicines they were taking and if they had adverse reactions to any medicines.

A small team with the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience provided patients with safe, consistent care. One patient told us, "I am very content with everyone" and another said, "I was very pleased with the staff carrying out the procedures".

Patient records were accurate and held securely remaining confidential. Other records needed for the management of the clinic were maintained.

5 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with six patients and three members of staff at the clinic including the consultant plastic surgeon. Patients told us, "I have total confidence and trust in the surgeon", "I trust the surgeon implicitly" and "I couldn't fault them. Absolutely fantastic". Patients confirmed that they had been given information about their treatments and given sufficient time between appointments to make a decision whether to continue.

We found that patients gave informed consent about their treatment or procedure. Records were kept detailing pre and post operative treatment. Follow up appointments were made and patients were able to contact the clinic or consultant plastic surgeon in an emergency.

The clinic was accessible to patients with disabilities. It was well maintained and clean. Equipment was serviced and kept in good condition. One patient said, "the treatment room is very clean and hygienic".

The clinic had not received any complaints. There were systems in place should they receive any. Patients told us they found the team very approachable and responsive to any concerns patients had. Patients told us they had no concerns about their treatment or the procedures carried out. They all said they had confidence and trust in the consultant plastic surgeon and his team.

27 February 2012

During a routine inspection

We visited the McDiarmid-Hall Cheltenham Clinic on 27 February 2012 and spent the afternoon at the clinic. We met and talked with patients who were either being treated, having a post-operative assessment, or having a consultation. We met the consultant surgeon, Mr James McDiarmid, and discussed how the clinic met essential standards of quality and safety. After our inspection we contacted a nurse who worked for the clinic and asked them about their role, training, and experience.

We looked at patient's confidentiality and the information they received about their proposed treatment or aftercare. We sat in on consultations with patients and we talked with them about their treatment and if it met their expectations. We looked at infection prevention and control protocols and procedures and checked the clinic for cleanliness. We looked at how the clinic assessed and monitored the quality and safety of treatment and care.

We met with six patients who had undergone treatment, were coming for treatment or were prospective patients at the clinic. We were invited by patients to sit in with them during their assessment, consultation or procedure. We also reviewed the medical records for these patients. Patients said their treatment had been "fantastic" and "I am so pleased with the results". Patients said they had plenty of time to ask questions and did not feel they were pressurised "at any time" into taking a decision about proceeding with treatment. Patients said they signed consent where this was required. Information about patients and their medical records was kept confidential and safe.

Patients who wanted to proceed with a surgical procedure that required an operating theatre were booked into one of two local private hospitals. The consultant surgeon, Mr James McDiarmid, or another specialist surgeon recommended by Mr McDiarmid, carried out the surgery and met with the patient before the operation at the hospital. Patients said that their care at the hospital had been "fine" and "excellent". Mr McDiarmid told us he had all the equipment and staff at the two hospitals to carry out surgery.

The clinic, consultation room and treatment room were clean and well equipped. Appropriate infection prevention and control measures were in place. Staff were supported to carry out their roles although there were no formal updates to appraisals of staff. The organisation assessed and monitored the quality of its service.

At the time of our visit, the person registered with the Care Quality Commission as manager no longer worked for the organisation. Mr James McDiarmid was asked to prepare an application to register as manager. The information on the website also required updating in some areas.