Archived: The Cindy Knight Clinic Limited

174 Tonbridge Road, Hildenborough, Kent, TN11 9HP (01732) 832004

Provided and run by:
The Cindy Knight Clinic Ltd

All Inspections

28 October 2013

During a routine inspection

We found no evidence of registerable treatments being carried out since our last inspection, so were not able to inspect the care provided. However, we looked at the general service where care could potentially be provided. We discussed with the provider whether they were providing or likely to provide regulated activities that must be registered with the Care Quality Commission, and they will make a decision about this.

The service had an IPL (intense pulsed light) machine, often referred to as 'laser' machine. In some circumstances these machines can be used for 'treatment' under the Health and Social Care Act, but this had not occurred at the clinic since our last inspection.

There was information available for people about the treatments that the service provided, which included cost.

Records showed that when people received IPL treatment this was logged and recorded.

Services were provided in a clean and maintained environment.

27 November 2012

During a routine inspection

The service arranged appointments to suit people which meant that opening hours varied .There were no people present during our inspection so we telephoned three people after the inspection to gain their views.

People said that they were very pleased with the service they received. They said they had been provided with plenty of information about treatments they were considering and the costs. Staff had taken time to explain what was involved and had asked them to sign consent forms.

People's comments included 'I'm very impressed, I stayed with them as they are registered ','I have introduced some friends' and 'They are very approachable if I had any concerns I would feel happy to voice them'.

People said staff were respectful, maintained their privacy and dignity and they felt confident treatments were given safely.

We found that equipment was well maintained and that it had been checked and serviced when it needed to be.

Staff recruitment and selection processes were in place, we have drawn the provider's attention to the fact that they need to be made more robust.

The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service they provided. Feedback from people using it had been positive.