Archived: Brooklands Nursing Home

25 Lambeth Road, Eastwood, Leigh On Sea, Essex, SS9 5XR (01702) 525375

Provided and run by:
Dr R K Tandon

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

18 January 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Where people were unable to provide a verbal response or tell us verbally their experiences, for example as a result of their limited verbal communication or poor cognitive ability, we noted their non-verbal cues and these indicated that people were generally relaxed and comfortable.

Comments from people who use the service about the care and support provided at Brooklands Nursing Home were complimentary. People told us they were happy living at the home and that they were pleased with the care and support provided by staff. People also told us that they liked the food and meals provided.

22 September 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

People with whom we spoke, told us, that they liked living at Brooklands Nursing Home and found the staff to be nice and caring. Satisfaction surveys, undertaken by the provider, for people who use the service, their relatives and staff working at the care home were completed in August 2011. These highlighted that in general people felt that their care needs were met and that they were happy with the care and support provided.

People confirmed to us that the quality of food provided was 'alright' but at times it could be variable. The home's satisfaction surveys completed and returned by people who use the service and/or their relatives were generally positive. However negative comments were detailed within staff surveys and these related to some staff feeling that they rushed people who use the service to eat their meals, not always sufficient staff to assist people with eating and some complaints that meals are overcooked.

15, 16 May 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

Comments from people who use the service about the care and support provided at Brooklands Nursing Home were mixed.

In general terms the people with whom we spoke told us that some aspects of care provided were acceptable. Comments made during recent 'resident meetings' included 'I am quite content and staff are all quite good' and 'staff are very helpful.' Another person confirmed that they had no complaints and they found the care to be good.

However people also confirmed that some support and care practices remained inadequate. People told us that night staff continue to be 'rough' with them on occasions, not physically but more in their manner and tone. They also told us that some staff can be rude, abrupt and that they find communication with some members of staff whose first language is not English, difficult at times. People also told us that some care tasks are often hurried and rushed by staff and staff do not talk much with them. One person told us that new members of staff are not always formally introduced to them as their new key worker; their name is solely placed on the door. One person told us they had little confidence that staff at the home knew some of their specific care needs as often there were inconsistencies with actual care provided.

People told us that their medicines were given to them at the right time and that they were always given a drink to take them with. One person told us that they were disappointed and unhappy with the decision made by the home for them not to self medicate. They were unclear as to why this decision had been made as prior to their admission to the home, they had been undertaking this task. They also told us that not all staff followed procedures when administering one of their medicines and they were on some occasions left unsupervised to take this with staff stating 'I'll be back later.'

Three people with whom we spoke told us that where they require the use of a hoist, support is now provided in a timelier manner than at the time of our previous visit in January 2011 and they no longer have to wait for long periods to receive personal care.

One person told us they found being stuck in the passenger lift quite frightening.

10 January and 10 October 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

Where people were unable to provide a verbal response or tell us verbally their experiences, for example as a result of their limited verbal communication or poor cognitive ability, we noted their non verbal cues and these indicated that people were generally relaxed and comfortable and found their experience at Brooklands Nursing Home to be positive.

One relative with whom we spoke confirmed they were happy with their relative's care and support and found staff to be kind and caring. They also told us they were happy with the level of care and support provided for their loved one.

Four people with whom we spoke during our visit on 10 January 2011 told us 'staff, are OK and I get good care and support', 'Overall I am happy with the care provided' and 'The care is adequate'. They told us they found the meals at Brooklands Nursing Home to be of a good quality. One relative told us the meals provided for their member of family are good and offer a reasonable choice each day throughout the day.

Two people who use the service told us that some younger members of staff are not very understanding of their needs and at times they feel rushed when staff provide assistance with personal care. They also told us that communication by some members of staff can be poor, as English is not their first language, and there are occasions when staff talk in their own language while providing care and support. Both people told us that they found this rude and disrespectful. Another person who uses this service told us they are able to make decisions about what time they go to bed, however the time they get up in the morning is often determined by care staff and the tasks they need to undertake on any given day.

The results of the Quality Assurance survey undertaken in September 2010 for nine people who use the service and their representatives recorded the attitude of staff within the home as good. One comment confirmed that communication with some members of staff can be difficult at times. No further detail was recorded.

Two of the four people with whom we spoke during our visit on 10 January 2011 told us that, if they had any concerns, they would discuss this either with a member of staff or a relative. Others told us that they did not know to whom at the home they could talk. Not all people with whom we spoke were able to tell us who their key worker was.

Three people told us that they find the home's environment to be clean and tidy. Others told us they liked their personal room and were able, when they moved in, to bring in personal belongings and, where appropriate, small items of furniture, so as to make it homely. One person told us they do not like sharing a room and would prefer to have their own room. They told us they have not been able to discuss this with the management team of the service and did not want us to raise the issue on their behalf. One person told us there is only one hoist currently working within the home and they have had to wait for up to one hour to be hoisted to use the commode. They told us they have found this distressing as they have been anxious about not soiling their clothes or the furniture they sit on.

One relative with whom we spoke told us that they believe there to be sufficient staff at the service.

Two people, with whom we spoke with during our visit on 10 January 2011, told us they regularly receive their medication.

One person with whom we spoke told us they get 'ever so lonely and feel isolated'. They told us that they understood that staff were very busy 'but they spend little time with me' other than when undertaking a task. For example assisting them with personal care or bringing meals to their room.

Two people told us they knew how to make a complaint, however others did not. One relative told us that although they were not aware of the complaint policy and procedure, they would feel able to express their views and concerns if the need arose.