Archived: Maria Gilchrist - 12 Queens Terrace

12 Queens Terrace, Queens Terrace, Fleetwood, Lancashire, FY7 6BT (01253) 876386

Provided and run by:
Maria Gilchrist

All Inspections

21 September 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke to some people living at the home, but in view of the limited communication levels we relied on observations between the staff and people who live there.

In addition to gaining the views and comments of people using the service we asked other external agencies including social services contracts team, infection control practitioner and environmental health about the service. All reported the service was complaint to their standards and regulations.

People living at Queens Terrace, were encouraged to express their views in their own way and the owner on duty at the time was seen to support this.

There were no other staff other than the owner during the site visit as two staff members had taken two people out for appointments and shopping.

In order to gain the views of people associated with the service we spoke to two relatives. They told us they were very happy with the care their relatives receive and cant thank the manager and staff enough. 'I have peace of mind that my relative is getting all the care they need', also, 'My relative has lived there for a long time, as have some of the others and they are like one big family'.