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Archived: Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Aldingham, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 9RT (01229) 869203

Provided and run by:
Risedale Estates Limited

All Inspections

15 March 2016

During a routine inspection

We carried out this inspection on 15 March 2016. The inspection was unannounced.

We last inspected this home in April 2014. At that inspection we found the service was meeting all of the regulations that we assessed.

Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home provides accommodation for up to 43 people who may be living with dementia and need personal and nursing care. The home was purpose built as a care home for older people. The accommodation is all on the ground floor, around a central courtyard, which gives people living in the home safe access to a pleasant outdoor area.

There was a registered manager employed at the home. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

People who lived at the home received a high quality of support from staff who knew them well.

There were enough staff, with the appropriate skills and knowledge, to support people.

People who lived at the home and their relatives were included in planning the support provided. The staff knew people well and knew how they communicated their wishes.

Visitors were made welcome in the home and people were supported to maintain relationships that were important to them.

The staff treated people in a kind and caring way. People were given choices about their lives and the decisions they made were respected.

People received health care support from a range of appropriate services to support them to maintain good health.

All of the staff understood their responsibilities around protecting people from abuse. They were knowledgeable about the Mental Capacity Act and people’s rights were protected.

People had a choice of food and drinks that they enjoyed. Where people required support to enjoy their meals this was provided in a patient and discreet way.

The staff in the home felt well supported by the registered manager and the registered provider. The registered provider carried out checks on the service and maintained oversight of the quality of the care provided.

The atmosphere in the home was welcoming and inclusive. The focus of the service was to support people so that they enjoyed a good quality of life.

29 April 2014

During a routine inspection

Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home provides support to people who have dementia and who require personal and nursing care.

We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask;

' Is the service safe?

' Is the service effective?

' Is the service caring?

' Is the service responsive?

' Is the service well-led?

This is a summary of what we found -

Is the service safe?

People who lived at Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home were safe and protected from the risk of unsafe or inappropriate care. The staff in the home had up to date information about the support people needed and had the skills and knowledge to deliver their care. Risks to people's safety and wellbeing had been identified and assessed and appropriate controls had been put in place to protect them.

People received the medicines they needed from staff who were trained and qualified. Systems were used to ensure people received their medication safely and as their doctor had prescribed.

Robust systems were used when recruiting new staff to ensure they were suitable to be employed in the home.

People were provided with a safe, clean and pleasant environment to live in. The accommodation was of a high standard and suitable to meet the needs of people who had dementia. The premises were well maintained and appropriate systems were in place to ensure the safety and security of people who lived there.

The home had appropriate policies and procedures regarding The Mental Capacity Act 2005 deprivation of liberty safeguards. The manager of the home was knowledgeable about the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Mental Capacity Act Codes of Practice. This meant people could be confident that their rights would be protected.

The staff we spoke with showed that had a good understanding of their responsibility to protect people who lived in the home.

Is the service effective?

People told us that they were 'well looked after' at Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home. We saw that the staff in the home spoke to people in a friendly and respectful manner and encouraged them to do as much for themselves as they were able. This helped people to maintain their independence.

Where people had been identified as at higher risk due to complex needs, appropriate specialist services had been contacted for advice and support. We saw that the staff followed the specialist advice that was written in people's care plans. This ensured people received safe care which met their needs.

Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home was purpose built as a care home for people who have dementia. The environment was based on best practice in dementia care and the design of the home helped people to maintain their independence.

All the staff we spoke with told us that they had been provided with a range of training to ensure they had the skills and knowledge to support people.

Is the service caring?

Everyone we spoke with made positive comments about the staff employed at this home. They told us, 'The girls,[staff], are nice' and said, 'I like the staff'.

We saw that the staff were kind and considerate in how they treated people. People were given choices about their lives and the support they received. The staff knew people in the home well and gave people the time they needed to communicate their wishes. We observed relaxed, friendly and respectful interactions between the staff and people in the home. We saw that people were comfortable and confident with the staff who supported them.

The staff showed that they knew it was very important that people were treated as individuals and with respect. They told us that they would not tolerate any form of abuse or mistreatment of people. They said they would speak to a senior person in the home if they ever observed anything that concerned them.

Is the service responsive?

We saw that people were treated with respect and given choices about their daily lives. People's individual records included information about their life before they moved to the home. This meant the staff knew about the things that were important to the person not just about the care they needed.

We saw that thorough needs assessments had been completed before people were offered accommodation in the home. This ensured that people were not offered accommodation unless the facilities and support provided were suitable to meet their needs.

Where people had been identified as at higher risk due to complex needs, appropriate specialist services had been contacted for advice and support. During our inspection we saw that the staff followed the specialist advice that was in people's care plans. This ensured people received safe care which met their needs.

Is the service well-led?

Formal systems were in place to audit the quality of the service provided. The families of people who lived in the home had been asked for their views about the service. Where people had made suggestions about how the service could be further improved we saw that appropriate action had been taken.

All the staff we spoke with told us that they were provided with a range of training to ensure they had the skills and knowledge to support people. They said they felt well supported by the manager of the home and senior managers in the organisation.

As part of the management oversight of the service a senior manager from Risedale Estates Limited carried out unannounced visits to the home to assess the quality of the services and facilities provided. The quality audit systems employed by the organisation ensured senior managers had a good oversight of the quality of the service.

13 June 2013

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with told us they were happy living at Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home and said they felt safe there. They told us they liked the staff employed in the home and said the staff were 'nice' and 'friendly'. People told us they had no complaints about the care provided in the home. A number of people commented that they had enjoyed the entertainment provided on the day of our inspection.

People told us,

'We're well looked after',

'I've no complaints",

and said, 'I enjoyed the singing'.

We saw that people received the care they needed in a way which respected their rights and promoted their independence. Staff were knowledgeable about the care individuals required and their preferences about how they wanted to be supported. There were sufficient staff to meet people's needs and to ensure their safety.

12 December 2012

During a routine inspection

People we spoke with told us Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home provided a good quality of care to the people who lived there. Visitors to the home said they were made welcome and told us they had been included in decisions about the care provided to their relatives.

People said they felt safe in the home and told us they had enjoyed a range of activities provided to celebrate the festive period.

People told us:

'I like the staff', and said

'I'm happy here.'

The people who lived in the home were not easily able to express their views about the service or the care they received. We used the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a specific way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who could not talk with us.

From our observations we saw that people received the care they needed in a way which respected their rights and protected their safety and independence. We saw that staff were knowledgeable about the support individuals needed. People were treated with respect and we saw they were comfortable and confident around the staff who were supporting them. We observed that the staff on duty gave people the time they needed to express their wishes. People were provided with a range of activities suitable to meet their needs and which took account of their abilities and interests.

11 November 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us the food provided at Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home was, 'Very nice' and said the staff working in the home were, 'Lovely."

A number of the people living at the home were not able to easily express their views about the service but we could see people were treated with respect and received a good standard of care which met their needs.

Visitors to the home told us they felt their relatives were safe living at Risedale at Aldingham St Cuthberts Nursing Home and said the staff in the home provided a good quality of service. People we spoke to said they had, 'No concerns at all' about the services provided at the home.