Archived: The Harrow Health Care Centre

84-88 Pinner Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 4LP (020) 8861 1221

Provided and run by:
The Harrow Health Care Centre

All Inspections

1 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two patients, five members of staff and observed two patient consultations. All the patients we spoke with said they were asked for their consent before any treatment commenced. We observed consent being obtained and recorded before each patient's treatment commenced. People said that the treatment process was explained to them by their doctor.

The patients we spoke with told us they were happy with their care and treatment at the service. They said that all the staff were helpful and treated them well. The provider monitored patient's health. They made sure any care and treatment provided was in line with professional guidance.

The patients we spoke with told us that they were happy with how their medication was handled and that all the aspects of taking the medication prescribed were always fully explained to them. We found that the provider handled, recorded and stored medication appropriately but that checks on their stored medication were not always undertaken at a consistent time.

The provider made appropriate checks to ensure that all the staff were both qualified and skilled to provide care and treatment that met patients needs.

The provider had records for both staff and patients that were fit for purpose and up to date. Records were stored appropriately to ensure their confidentiality.

18 October 2011

During a routine inspection

Patients told us they could see the doctor of their choice and consultations were always held in private unless they wanted their partner or relative with them. They told us 'we're never rushed' and confirmed they were given sufficient information to make decisions about their care and treatment.

Patients told us 'the doctors and nurses were extremely good' and 'reception staff are helpful, efficient and charming'.