Archived: The Red House

423 West Green Road, Tottenham, London, N15 3PJ (020) 8889 0097

Provided and run by:
London Borough of Haringey

All Inspections

3 May 2012

During a routine inspection

Two inspectors visited the service. The home was due to close at the end of 2012 and a number of people had moved out, so that there were only eighteen people living in the home at the time of the inspection visit. Some people expressed their concerns about the home closing.

We talked to fourteen people living in the home and spent time observing the care and lifestyle that people experienced. Overall the feedback was that people were provided with the care that they needed, and were well settled in the home. They were given choices and had formed good and supportive relationships with staff.

Comments from people living at the home included 'this is a very good home,' 'I like it here ' its very nice, I've been here for years,' and 'I like the staff.'

Visitors spoken to were also very positive about the home. We spoke to five relatives of people at the home, one person noted 'my mother would say if there was a problem,' and another visitor advised 'We really like it here. The care workers are excellent. It has not got all the mod cons but it is good. We are upset that it is closing.'

Most people liked the food, and enjoyed activities provided for them at the home.

People said that staff asked them what their needs and wishes were, and met these as far as possible. They confirmed that they received their medication at the prescribed times, and that they saw healthcare professionals when needed.

Quality control procedures are in place for the home so that people know that their views are taken into account. However there is a need to ensure that the Care Quality Commission are informed about any incidents affecting the wellbeing of people at the home.