• Mental Health
  • Independent mental health service

The Priory Hospital Altrincham

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Rappax Road, Hale, Altrincham, WA15 0NU (0161) 904 0050

Provided and run by:
Priory Healthcare Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 21 May 2019

The Priory Hospital Altrincham is run by Priory Healthcare Limited. The Priory Hospital provides inpatient mental health services for young people and adults. The hospital provides assessment or medical treatment and inpatient addiction treatment programmes for adults. Patients are admitted informally or may be detained under the Mental Health Act 1983.

The regulated activities at The Priory Hospital Altrincham include assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the Mental Health Act 1983, accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse, diagnostic and screening procedures, and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. The service was in the process of changing the registered manager.

We visited two acute wards for adults of working age, Dunham ward with 24 mixed gender beds and Tatton ward with 17 mixed gender beds.

Since its registration with the Care Quality Commission, The Priory Hospital Altrincham has been inspected four times and all wards have received a visit from a Mental Health Act Reviewer. At the previous inspection in November 2018 the hospital was rated good overall.

Overall inspection


Updated 21 May 2019

We rated The Priory Altrincham as good because:

Patients using the service told us that they were treated with dignity and respect and described the staff as caring and helpful. We observed that staff took time to communicate with patients in a respectful and compassionate manner and patients were empowered to become active participants in their care.

All patients underwent an assessment of need, care plans were holistic and recovery oriented and included physical health assessments, these were completed in collaboration with the patients, progress was regularly reviewed.

Regular multidisciplinary meetings were held and attendance by outside agencies was encouraged. Families and carers were involved in this process where appropriate. Advocacy services were accessible and available to support patients.

The hospital followed national guidelines on cleaning standards and monitoring procedures to provide and maintain a clean and appropriate environment to prevent and control healthcare associated infection. There was an established cleaning regime, wards were generally clean although refurbishment work was causing some disruption to the cleaning regime. Clinic rooms were fully equipped. Emergency equipment was accessible to all and was maintained appropriately. Medicines were dispensed and stored securely and audits undertaken to ensure safe practice.

The ward environments were effectively managed and risks mitigated with the use of observation and individual risk management planning. Regular environmental quality checks were conducted and patients could discuss and resolve environmental issues in community meetings.

Patients were supported by a skilled multidisciplinary team of staff which included nursing, psychiatric, psychological, occupational and dietetic support. Treatment practices were based on nationally recognised guidance.

Safeguarding processes were in place which reflected national guidance, and understood by all staff we spoke with. There was a clear structure of reporting and responsibility for safeguarding adults and children. Any concerns relating to adult and child protection were communicated to the relevant protection agencies.

Restrictive practices were reviewed regularly and patients were involved in the process. Regular patient surveys and community meetings informed improvements in patient care across the hospital.

Staff were trained in and had a good understanding of the Mental Health Act and Mental Capacity Act. Staff followed local procedures and support was available from a mental health act administrator. Patients were given information and support to ensure appropriate representation and aid understanding of their rights.

There was an established governance structure with a defined hierarchy of reporting and decision making within the service. There were clear systems of accountability and senior managers were actively involved in the operational delivery of the service. There was a clear statement of visions and values, staff knew and understood the vision, values and strategic goals of the service.

Staff we spoke with were positive about their roles and were positive about service development. Staff felt able to raise concerns without fear of victimisation and spoke positively about the organisation. They told us that they felt valued, had input into the service and were consulted and involved in service quality developments.