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Archived: Local Care Group

1st Floor, Fairmile House, High Street, Ripley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6AN (01483) 224896

Provided and run by:
Domiciliary Care Providers Ltd

All Inspections

19 June 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

This follow up inspection visit was carried out in order to assess if the provider had taken action to address concerns that had been identified at the previous inspection. These concerns related to record keeping, staff knowledge, procedural information and practices. We did not need to speak with people using the service on this occasion.

We found that there were good arrangements in place for assessing people's needs, including risks related to medicines management. People were able to discuss and agree their personal care needs and there were records in place that indicated they had consented to such support from staff. Staff were clear about the need to gain consent from people in relation to the care needs they were to provide.

Staff had been trained in safeguarding vulnerable people, the Mental Capacity Act (2005), and medicines management. They were aware of their responsibilities and lines of reporting through their manager's or directly to relevant agencies. There was guidance available to support staff in meeting their duties and responsibilities safely and effectively. Records had been completed for people receiving personal care, which took account of their mental capacity and general care needs. These needs had been fully reviewed and were evaluated at each visit.

25 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five people who expressed their satisfaction with the care provided. They told us 'staff have been excellent' and 'I am very pleased'.

We found people or their relatives had been asked to sign their care plan. We found however, that the provider was not able to provide documentary evidence that they had obtained a person's consent when there had been a change in the way their medicines were managed on their behalf.

People had received an initial assessment of their needs. We found however, the information gathered had not always been thoroughly documented on the initial assessment documentation or the care plan. Staff were provided with the information they needed about people's care needs through the handover sheet. This information should have been documented in people's care plans.

We found staff required training in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and needed to update their safeguarding knowledge to ensure they were fully aware of their responsibility to report any concerns they might have with regard to people's welfare to Social Services.

We found medicines had been stored on the premises without the correct storage facilities. We have been assured this practice has stopped following our inspection.

The provider had appropriate processes in place for the recruitment of staff.

There was a complaints process and people had been provided with information about how to complain.

13 October 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke with four people on the telephone some of whom were representatives of people using the service.

The comments we received were very positive and people said that they felt the agency was well run and that the care staff were top class.