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  • Homecare service

Archived: St Edmund House

39 West St Helen Street, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 5BT (01235) 849400

Provided and run by:
Age UK Oxfordshire

All Inspections

1 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We found that people were asked for their consent before treatment began. All the people we spoke with told us that they had to sign a consent form. The provider took the appropriate action when people did not appear to have the capacity to make decisions.

People were well cared for and treatment was always provided as detailed in their treatment plan. People we spoke with told us that they were always treated with respect. One person told us that the service was 'splendid and wonderful'.

There were systems and procedures in place to ensure people were protected against infection. We saw that people had responsibility for looking after their equipment and the service provided guidance on how to keep it clean. Staff were given personal protective equipment. People told us that the staff used this all of the time.

Staff were trained and supported in their roles. We saw evidence of supervisions and observations for staff. People we spoke with felt staff were well trained. One person told us that staff were competent.

The provider had a process in place to monitor and record complaints. People were given information about complaints during the initial stages of their treatment.

9 March 2012

During a routine inspection

People that we spoke with were pleased with the service they received. One person said 'it's excellent' and 'we're glad when she comes'. Another person said their volunteer was 'lovely'. People said the appointment times were kept, one added 'she's very prompt'.

None of the people we spoke with expressed any concerns about the service or their care.