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Archived: Laglin Lodge

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

7 Eardley Road, Streatham, London, SW16 6DA (020) 8696 9046

Provided and run by:
Mrs P E Modile

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 21 August 2015

We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008, to look at the overall quality of the service, and to provide a rating for the service under the Care Act 2014.

This inspection took place on 2 and 9 July 2015. The first day of the inspection was unannounced; the provider knew that we would be returning for a second day. The inspection was carried out by a single inspector.

Before we visited the service we checked the information that we held about it, including notifications sent to us informing us of significant events that occurred at the service.

We spoke with two people using the service during our inspection. We also observed interactions between staff and people using the service during the inspection. We spoke with three staff including the manager. We looked at two care records, three staff files and other records related to the management of the service.

Overall inspection

Requires improvement

Updated 21 August 2015

This inspection took place on 2 and 9 July 2015. The first day of the inspection was unannounced; the provider knew that we would be returning for a second day. The provider met the requirements of the regulations we inspected when the service was last inspected on 3 February 2013.

Laglin Lodge provides accommodation for up to five people with a mental health diagnosis. It is located in Streatham and is close to local amenities and transport links. At the time of our inspection, there were three people living at the service. The home is arranged over three floors. People live in single bedrooms, some of which are ensuite. There is a shared kitchen and lounge. A conservatory is available for people who smoke.

There was a registered manager at the service. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

People told us that staff treated them kindly and they were happy with the food they received at the home. They told us they received their medicines on time.

We found that people led independent lives and were not restricted from leaving the service. Staff supported them to maintain their independence by offering them help with aspects of their daily living such as laundry, cooking and maintaining their bedrooms.

People told us that they did not have any complaints, however the provider had not taken steps to ensure people’s voices were heard. For example, key worker meetings and residents meetings did not take place regularly.

We found that care plans were lacking in sufficient detail. Risk assessments did not always identify steps that staff could take to manage identified risks. Support plans were not always evaluated and there was a lack of goal monitoring.

Although staff told us they felt supported, they did not receive training or supervision to enable them to carry out their roles effectively. Training records were difficult to locate and the ones that we saw had expired.

We found breaches of regulations relating to safe care and treatment, medicines, staffing, person centred care, and good governance. You can see the action we have asked the provider to take at the back of the full version of this report.

We have made some recommendations about how people are supported to raise concerns.